Divorce Mediation

How to Protect Your Children from Parental Conflict During Divorce


Divorcing couples may not agree on much but one thing that they can probably agree on is that they both want what is best for their children. Divorce is a very difficult and stressful time and children will feel the toll of divorce as well. The good news is there are some ways that you can protect your children from parental conflict during divorce.


If your children are old enough to understand what divorce really means, make sure that you are not getting into details with them about your frustrations with your ex. Even if you have teenage children and they ask you why you are angry with your ex; it is best not to vent to your children.


Just as you would not want your spouse to badmouth you to your children; it is best to have the same respect for your spouse as well.  Children are very sensitive to their environment, and it is best to create a safe and healthy environment for them. 


It is Best to Avoid Parental Alienation


Parental alienation happens when one parent influences a child into disengaging with the other parent, usually by speaking negatively about the other parent. The parent who is speaking negatively about the other parent may also refuse to coordinate time sharing and be uncooperative in the co-parenting process.


That is going to be extremely difficult on children because children want to be loved by both parents, they want to be accepted by both parents and they want to be loyal to both parents.


Parental alienation can also result in serious psychological and emotional issues that may impact your child custody case.


If you're struggling with divorce and need someone to talk to, reach out to a trusted friend or consider seeking the help of a qualified therapist or counselor.


Do Not Deny Parenting Time to Your Ex


No matter how old your children are children need both of their parents to be involved in their lives.  It would not be fair to keep your children from the other parent.  If you are trying to punish your ex by keeping them from their children, it also punishes your children.  Children do not deserve to be placed in the middle of a parental battle. 


Learn How to Effectively Communicate with Your Ex


Part of the co-parenting process is to be flexible. The more flexible you are, the easier it will be to get along with your ex and ensure that your children are not impacted negatively by the divorce process. The are parenting courses available online where you can learn ways to effectively co-parent and there are co-parenting apps that both you and your ex can use to communicate about the children and share documents, events, and calendar all in one place.  So look for resources and ways in which co-parenting can be made easier for you.


Speak to a Manhattan Divorce Mediator to Help with Parental Conflict


You do not have to figure it all out alone.  Reach out to Sabra Law Group today to schedule a confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971. 









How Divorce Mediation Can Assist You with Expediting Your Divorce in New York City

How long does it take to get divorced? Everyone has heard horror stories from friends and family who spent months, if not years, battling their ex-partners in court.

In fact, such stories are so common that no one could be blamed for thinking that dissolving a marriage must require an extended period of time.

The good news is that this is not the case. Many of the choices that you make can either extend or minimize the time required to divorce. There are many reasons to streamline a divorce. These may include:

-Saving money
-Reducing stress
-Restoring health and hope to the family; and
-Minimizing acrimony.

If you are interested in expediting your divorce, then it is wise to learn more about mediation. This collaborative process is a more efficient alternative to litigation.

Expediting Your Divorce

When couples decide to litigate a divorce, they are at the mercy of the court system. This system is bogged down and overloaded. Accordingly, it is possible that your case will not come before a judge for months.

Consider also that if you and your ex-spouse have not agreed on terms, you may be required to make more than one court appearance. This means that you're not just waiting for one court date, but several. That can add significantly to the amount of time that you spend working toward a resolution.

Lengthy Divorces Are Tough on Everyone

Protracted court proceedings take their toll on everyone involved. This includes not only you and your ex-partner but also any children you may have.

This is especially true when parents go to trial over child custody. Mediation is an alternative that facilitates the creation of a shared parenting plan that can spell out clear terms for custody, visitation, support, education costs and more.

One of the best reasons to get serious about expediting your divorce is to spare your children the stress and heartache of extended court proceedings or even an expensive protracted trial.

Better Communication through Mediation

People frequently cite a lack of communication or miscommunication among their primary reasons for divorce. Mediation facilitates positive, healthy communication that makes it quicker and easier to come to a divorce agreement. Additionally, improved communication serves the family moving forward, especially if the adults will continue to co-parent.

A Common-Sense Approach to Divorce

Contact the Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 to learn more about expediting your divorce in New York with mediation.







How Divorce Mediation Can Help You Sort Through Child Support Issues in Manhattan

How Divorce Mediation Can Help You Sort Through Child Support Issues in ManhattanIf you are contemplating divorce, the way ahead may not seem clear. Many issues need to be decided, and the most contentious of these may relate to your children.

Mediation is a common-sense alternative to litigation when you are divorcing. One of the reasons why mediation works so well is that it can be used to settle even the most complicated matters, such as child support issues.

Divorce Mediation Works for Families

When a separating couple cannot agree on settlement terms, divorce mediation is a smart method for untangling even the most complex issues.

It's not unusual for couples to be unable to come to an agreement with regard to child support issues. Whether you expect that you will be paying or receiving child support, this remains one of the most hotly-contested questions.

Part of the problem is that no two families look or function in precisely the same way. A workable child support solution that's perfect for one family may be a disaster for another. Unfortunately, if you decide to go to court to settle child support issues, you're likely to end up with a one-size-fits-all solution.

Divorce mediation is your opportunity to create a unique child support arrangement that is ideal for your family's unique situation.

Getting the Facts About Income

Engaging in divorce mediation makes it possible for both sides to get a clearer picture with regard to the earnings of the opposing party. Chances are good that both parties already have rough ideas, but mediation necessitates disclosure of all sources of income so that a more equitable arrangement can be reached.

Even if it ultimately is not possible for a couple to settle child support issues during divorce mediation, going through the process will provide essential evidence that the court can use to make its calculations. In some cases, the mediator is called upon to give a professional opinion about which income should and should not count in child support calculations.

Is It Possible to Agree to No Child Support?

This is a possible outcome, but only if both parties agree that no child support is necessary. If an agreement for no child support cannot be reached in mediation, be prepared for the court to decide this question.

Help with Child Support Issues and More

Contact Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 to learn more about how beneficial divorce mediation in Manhattan can be.













Learn Why Divorce Mediation May Be the Better Option Than a Litigated Divorce in Manhattan

Is going to court the best way to get divorced? Although dramatic courtroom proceedings frequently are depicted in films, this rarely is the best choice for couples who have decided to go their separate ways.

A litigated divorce tends to be more contentious, and it certainly is more public. Typically, the divorcing couple that chooses to litigate spends more time, money, and stress throughout a painful, prolonged process.

The great news is that there is a better option. Divorce mediation is becoming the default choice for an increasing number of Manhattan couples.

Are you familiar with mediation? Maybe you think there's no way for you and your partner to agree on anything without a judge handing down a decision. However, you'd probably be surprised. Mediation is a tested and proven method for achieving a more amicable dissolution.

Guidance You Need

Divorce mediation in Manhattan can provide essential guidance when you and your spouse can't agree. It's an effective option when complex issues arise because a knowledgeable mediator can offer valuable, innovative solutions that may have worked for other families. It's also possible to tailor solutions to meet your family's unique needs.

Giving Couples More Control

In Manhattan divorce mediation, the major decisions remain in the couple's hands. In a litigated divorce, an overloaded judge will have just a few minutes to make some critical decisions for you. You and your spouse know your situation better than anyone, and mediation gives you an opportunity to compromise on solutions that are healthier for the whole family.

A Faster Process

A litigated divorce requires more time than divorce mediation. There's little to gain by dragging out the process. Choosing mediation gives you a swifter resolution that's probably a lot more workable and realistic for your family.

Save Money

Divorce can be costly, especially if the couple decides to litigate. With multiple filings by each attorney and hours of arguing and reams of correspondence, the bills mount with lightning speed. Divorce mediation saves you money by letting the couples deal with each other via a mediator, which minimizes the need for multiple attorneys.

Contact Sabra Law Group

Do you want to learn more about Manhattan divorce mediation? Contact Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971 to learn more about this less confrontational and more cost-effective option.











Documentation Your Manhattan Divorce Attorney Will Need for Your Meeting


documentation your attorney will need

If you are in the process of filing for divorce it is important to start preparing ahead of time. One of the best ways to prepare to meet with your Manhattan divorce attorney is to make sure that you have all the documentation they will need. The more prepared you are for your meeting with your divorce attorney the smoother things will go and the faster the process will be.


Gather These Documents Prior to Your Meeting with Your New York Divorce Lawyer


Income Statements and Documents: income statements are essential to determining the financial situation and employment status that will take into consideration child support, alimony, and division of assets. Income documents can include tax returns, paycheck stubs, and additional related documents. Some things to gather include paycheck information over a 12-month period, bank statements, receipts, financial statements, and business income documents. Furthermore, any other documentation that can help establish one's net worth would be useful to gather.


Automobile Documents:  automobile documents include any titles or registration for all vehicles that are owned by either you, your spouse, or owned jointly. They can also include boats, ATV's, and farming vehicles and business equipment vehicles. Also show documentation that displays the current outstanding debt that would be needed to acquire these vehicles.


Life Insurance Documents: it is also useful to gather any life insurance policy information. This is because the court may view the policy's cash value that could be divided by the court in case of a divorce.


Marital Debts: all debt should also be documented. The court will need to determine what the marital debts are and how to divide them as part of the divorce settlement.


Real Estate Documents: real estate is going to be one of the major assets that will be taken into consideration. If the property was purchased during the marriage, it is considered marital property will need to be divided during the divorce.  Furthermore, real estate that may have been owned prior to the marriage can also come into the situation if the marital funds were used to pay for repairs and any mortgage payments. Gather all documentation of ownership as well as current mortgage income. Also compile all real estate purchase documents. Also, if your property was refinanced that information will also be pertinent.


Take the First Step and Schedule a Consultation with a Manhattan Divorce Attorney


If you are getting divorced, the first step is to meet with an experienced New York divorce attorney who can help you with your case.  Whether you decide to mediate your divorce or go to court, Sabra Law Group can assist you.  Call Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971. 


Once you have secured an appointment start gathering all the documents so that you have them ready for your meeting.   You can also ask us how to best be prepared and we will provide you with a list of items that will be helpful. 








How to Deal with Anger and Emotions During Divorce in New York


Getting divorced is one of the most stressful life events.  It can trigger deep emotions and bring anger out.  The anger can arise from painful experiences with your soon-to-be-ex or even feeling threatened by your spouse.  Some couples opt for staying in an unhealthy relationship longer than they should.  This is because they would rather be in a bad relationship than no relationship.  As a result, it can delay the process of taking the steps to separate and divorce.  However, there comes a time when one or both spouses have had enough; but by that time, anger is at an all-time high. It is essential to know how to deal with anger and emotions during divorce in New York. 


How to Cope with Your Anger and Emotions During Divorce


Get it Out of Your System


It is important not to keep anger bottled up.  You must find a way to release your anger in a healthy and constructive way.  One way to do this is to work through your anger by journaling or writing a letter that you don’t send or mail.  Writing your feelings down on paper will allow you to release them and feel less weighed down. 


Another useful method to get it out of your system is to develop a support system that can help.  Having people in your life whom you can talk it out with will help you feel better; because again you are releasing your emotions instead of keeping them bottled up.


Seek Professional Help


Sometimes your friends and family may not be able to support you in the way that you need it.  In that situation, it is helpful to seek professional help such as a therapist who helps people with anger management.


Take Accountability for Your Part in the Breakup


If you also played a part (whether it was minor or major) in the breaking of your marriage, it is important to take accountability for your part.  This will help you to not place the entire blame on your spouse and it may help you to manage your emotions. 


Forgiveness is Hard Sometimes But Essential to Moving On


Part of the divorce process is to heal after divorce and determine if you are ready to move on and start a new relationship.  If you truly want to move on, it is critical to forgive, otherwise you may stay in the same angry space.


Staying Calm is Key


When things get heated, it can be difficult to stay calm, but staying calm will help you de-escalate the anger.  Try to take a walk, do some deep breathing, or try yoga or meditation. 


Need Assistance with Divorce in New York?


Call Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 and determine if divorce mediation can help you get divorced sooner than dishing it out in court, so you can move on to starting fresh. 







How to Get Full Custody of Your Children in New York

One of the most contentious matters in divorce cases is child custody. The parents want what's best for their children, and that's also the goal of the courts. In fact, judges are guided by the principle of the "best interests of the children”.

In general, it's considered desirable for the children to maintain relationships with both parents. Nonetheless, there may be situations in which it's wise for one parent to be awarded full custody.

If you believe that having full custody of your children in New York is in your family's best interest, then there are things you can do to strengthen your case.

Collect Documentation

Do you believe that your spouse is abusive? If so, then it's sensible to gather as much evidence as possible. This may include medical records, affidavits from healthcare professionals, photographs, and your written observations.

Even if abuse isn't occurring, it's smart to keep a journal of everything that happens with regard to your kids. Record events like pick-ups and drop-offs, phone calls, whether or not child support payments are being received, and your child's routine activities. Courts love to have everything documented, so the more notes you take, the better.

Keep Yourself Clean

Any questionable behavior on your part can make it harder for you to obtain full custody of children in New York. Keep your driving record spotless. A DWI or reckless driving citation will come out in court. If any court orders are in place, make certain that you follow them to the letter, even if you don't agree with them. Make sure that you aren't indulging in recreational drug use or drinking to excess. If you're on social media, suspend your participation, but keep an eye on what your spouse is posting.

Spend Time with and Know Your Children

Make certain that you're familiar with your child's teachers and doctors, and spend quality time with your kid. Keep childcare by others to a minimum as your children need to have your hands-on involvement. While it's important to communicate with your child, refrain from discussing the custody case or trying to obtain information about the other parent from them.

Perhaps the best thing you can do toward obtaining full custody of your children in New York is to hire the Sabra Law Group to represent you. Call (646) 472-7971 today to learn how we can help you with custody in New York.







Divorce Mediation Versus Litigation

Divorce Mediation in New York

No one gets married thinking they’ll get divorced or separated. But the fact of the matter is that for roughly half of Americans, it’s statistically likely. And the likelihood of a divorce goes up even more for second and third marriages. 

But how you get divorced is another question altogether–in terms of whether it will be civil or contentious and whether you choose divorce mediation versus litigation

What is divorce mediation? 

In divorce mediation, an outside neutral third party not affiliated with either party aims to help the couple come to a mutually beneficial agreement. This ultimately ideally entails a compromise by both parties, which can often involve a give and take, with sacrificing something of value.  

The mediator is an certified expert trained in the voluntary process of mediation. Mediators can serve as a communication buffer between the two parties, allowing them to speak separately and freely. They can help them effectively communicate and resolve issues in a manner they may not otherwise have been able to do. 

All different types of divorce matters, such as child custody/visitation and division of marital assets, can be resolved in mediation. 

Depending on the mediator, you may be able to bring an attorney with you during the mediation process as counsel–or you may simply have just the couple and the mediator. 

What are some benefits of divorce mediation? 

You can potentially save a lot of time and money (and additional effort and emotional stress and heartbreak) with divorce mediation versus litigation and actual trial. This can benefit not just the couple but their children and family too, from having to suffer from a long, drawn out process. You may also be able to collectively agree upon a scheduled mediation date, versus a court date that may be decided for you. 

Mediation can also be seen as beneficial to your privacy, as issues are not aired openly in a court setting. But rather your confidential and personal matters are contained between the select few attending the mediation. In particular, children affected by the divorce may not need to attend the mediation process when they might otherwise appear or testify in court. 

Additionally, in litigation where a judge makes the ultimate decision, you may encounter less uncertainty as to the outcome. Still, there is no guarantee that mediation will resolve the conflict. And if mediation fails, you would have wasted valuable time, effort, and financial resources in the process. But mediation can and does prove effective in many cases.  

What are some things to prepare for in divorce mediation?  

Figure out your divorce goals and priorities ahead of time in the mediation. And while you’re at it, you may want to try to brainstorm what your partner will value and want as well. There are certain things you may be willing to sacrifice and others you won’t, like in any negotiation.   

For example, you might want to demand full or split custody of your children and pet; a certain amount of alimony and child support, a visitation schedule, and more. 

Have evidence to present, such as a record of financial disclosures between parties. For instance, tax statements, bank accounts, retirement accounts, car payments, mortgage paperwork, car payments, student loans, etc.   

How long can divorce mediation take? 

In a traditional divorce, the process can take many months if not a year or multiple years even. Whereas, in mediation, it may take just several months or much less for several sessions or just one session for a divorce mediation to be completed. Each session can take several hours long. Of course, a more complex divorce proceeding with greater assets and parties at stake can take longer. Bottom-line, mediation is known to take significantly less time than traditional litigation. 

If you have a family law issue, contact the Sabra Law Group in Manhattan at (646) 472-7971. The firm’s expertise is in all forms of family law, such as alimony, divorce, prenuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements, child custody battles, child support, domestic violence, and restraining orders. 


A Manhattan Divorce Mediator Shares the Stages of Divorce People Go Through


Divorce is never easy and the loss of losing a loved one that you planned on spending your entire life with can be devastating. It can be extremely difficult to come to terms with divorce but sometimes there is no other choice. A Manhattan divorce mediator shares the stages of divorce people can go through when divorcing.


It May Be Normal to Experience Denial


Maybe it’s your spouse that wants a divorce and you want to keep your marriage intact, it can be difficult to accept the fact that your spouse wants a divorce.  It is important to realize that whatever you do, their mind may be made up. 


Denial may be a coping mechanism, but it is important to get past this stage.  Seek support from friends, family, and professionals such as a therapist or family law attorney who can guide you during this difficult time.


You May Experience Anger


Maybe your spouse betrayed you or cheated on you; it is normal to be angry.  You may be angry with your spouse for doing this to you, but you may also be angry at yourself for not seeing the signs sooner.  It is imperative to remember that this is just a stage of divorce you are going through, and it will not last forever. 


You May Try to Negotiate


In this stage you may try to question yourself and figure out if you could have negotiated for a better outcome. You may even feel guilty for not making the marriage work or feel like you are a failure. If you have children, that complicates matters even further and some parents decide to stay in a bad marriage just for the sake of the children.


Children are sensitive to their surroundings so even though it may seem hard to get divorced it may be the best for your children.  Remember, that your children deserve a healthy and peaceful environment to live in. 


You May Feel Sad or Hopeless


It is natural to feel sad or even feel some type of depression from the realization that your marriage may be coming to an end. There may be days where you find it difficult to get out of bed or you don't feel like talking to friends, however, taking a walk and getting some fresh air and exercise can do wonders for your mental health.


You May Finally Come to Terms with Your Divorce


When you accept the fact that divorce is inevitable you might start to have hope for the future and start making plans to focus on yourself. You may even consider taking a vacation or planning a new career or even thinking about dating again.


The key is to make sure that you're always making time for yourself and your self-care. Eat a healthy diet, exercise, do yoga, meditate, and get professional help if needed. Take on a new hobby, take a road trip, get a pet, whatever it is that makes your heart happy.


Need Help with Your Divorce in Manhattan?


Call Sabra Law Group today to schedule a confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971. Take the first step towards coming to terms with your divorce. Sabra is a Manhattan divorce mediator with years of experience mediating divorces in New York City.











The Marriage rate has been decreasing. Surprised? Blame COVID?

Marriage During COVID-19

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), for data compiled for the United States: the marriage rate is 6.1 per 1,000 total population. And there are 2,015,603 marriages with 746,971 divorces (45 reporting States and D.C.). 

Overall, it’s been widely reported that roughly 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce or separation. What’s more, a second marriage increases the likelihood of divorce–at a whopping 60 percent, and 73% of all third marriages result in a divorce. 

In fact, the marriage rate has reportedly been consistently decreasing for many years. Couples have also reportedly been delaying marriage. More recently, COVID can be blamed for much of this…After all, the pandemic has caused extreme financial stress, family stress, and more for countless people across the world. Plus, it’s just more difficult to plan a marriage if you can’t do an in-person wedding or have all your guests attend. It’s just so uncertain in these times whether you’ll get sick or a family member as well. 

As reported in The Hill: “Since the start of the 21st century, the U.S. marriage rate has declined from more than eight marriages per 1,000 down to six marriages per 1,000 population in 2019. … In 2020, the proportion of households consisting of married couples fell to 49 percent.” People have also reportedly been delaying marriage too. 

So, why do married couples split anyways? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the main reasons for divorce include incompatibility (43%), infidelity (28%), and money issues (22%). “Incompatible” similar to “irreconcilable differences” is a very broad umbrella that can account for a whole host of reasons, such as couples simple falling apart overtime or simply no longer getting along…there may not be a specific reason to pin-point either. It’s just not working anymore. 

“Infidelity” is more straightforward, yet often is difficult to prove. One party may have cheated on the other or both parties may have been unfaithful. While this may have no affect on the outcome of the divorce – giving you or your spouse more, or less, of the assets and/or spousal support – it is a basis for filing for divorce based upon “no fault” or “adultery”.

And “money issues” can run the gamut. A spouse may have been laid off at work and unable to find employment. The couple may have taken on too much debt, such as credit cards or car loans or a mortgage they can no longer afford or student loan debt. A risky business venture investment may have failed. Not to mention, many people come into a marriage already with thousands of dollars in debt. Or the wife may suddenly make a lot more money than the husband and no longer want to split everything. The couple may be suffering, as well, from medical debt from a unforeseen procedure. Plus, when you factor children into the mix, another mouth to feed and clothe and support, the financial strain only increases. Money isn’t the root of all evil, but it is indeed a big factor in many failed marriages. 

Nobody goes into a marriage thinking it will end in divorce. Rather, people in love believe they will defy the statistics.  Still, the numbers don’t lie—divorce is inevitable for many couples. 

But people are still falling in love and planning weddings and marriages, with that, getting divorced too. 

If you’re looking to tie-the-knot (or un-tie it), contact the Sabra Law Group in Manhattan at (646) 472-7971. The firm’s expertise is in all forms of family law, such as alimony, divorce, prenuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements, child custody battles, child support, domestic violence, and restraining orders.