Monthly Archives: April 2015
Divorce and Depression
There are many things your divorce attorney in New York can help you with: Advising on negotiations with your spouse, filing motions to protect your interests in the financial and custody areas, and helping to craft legal language that makes … Continue reading
The People’s Prenup: Not Just for the Rich and Famous
Very few people actually consider the potential fallout of divorce when they get married. This is certainly understandable; when pledging your life to someone else, you no doubt expect to grow old together, and the idea of divorcing seems impossible. … Continue reading
Custody in New York and the S.T.E.P. Program
Divorce changes everything. After years or perhaps decades of life together, including making mutual decisions that often include compromise on both sides, both parties are facing a completely different path forward. When children are involved, these paths are even more … Continue reading
When You’re So Far Apart You’re in Different States: The New York Litigated Divorce
Divorce is a scary situation for most people, and is often depicted in terms of limitation and loss: Your finances, freedom, and decision-making power concerning your future are all suddenly limited by the desires of your soon-to-be former spouse. Many … Continue reading