
What to Do When Divorce is Not an Option in New York

What to Do When Divorce is Not an Option in New YorkWhile there are many New Yorkers who decide to get divorced and can do so; not everyone has the liberty to do so. The reason for divorce not being an option for everyone can range from poor finances to even their cultural upbringing. Let's consider some reasons why divorce may not be an option for some New York married couples.


Four Reasons Why Divorce May Not Be an Option for Some Married Couples


In some cultures, divorce is frowned upon, and divorce is not acceptable by their culture or their family. This can leave one feeling trapped and unhappy. Ultimately, you have to make the final decision on what is best for you and your children.  It may take some time to come to terms with what the right decision is; but know that you can seek professional help if needed from a marriage counselor or therapist.


The other reason and this one is most common is due to not being financially independent. If finances are already an issue in the marriage; getting divorced will only exemplify the money problems.


When couples are divorcing it usually means that they will have to have separate households and that means paying two mortgages or two rents. It also means that before, if they were sharing a car now they may have to have two separate cars for transportation.


If your reasons for not being able to divorce are due to finances, there is hope that your situation can improve with time.  So, in the meantime, you can start preparing yourself to take steps in the right direction by saving up money, getting a job, or even asking family and friends for help if they can help you. 


Another reason why divorce may not be an option for some people in New York is because of their children. Many parents want to put the well-being of their children first and foremost and because of that they may not be prepared to get divorced. They realize that divorce can take a devastating toll on their children’s well-being.  And even though they may not get divorced on paper in reality they may be living separate lives and even sleeping in separate bedrooms.


Let's face it. Getting divorced is one of the scariest things in life. And the fear of starting over or not knowing what the future holds can basically make people freeze up. Many married couples in NYC stay in unhappy marriages longer because they're too scared to leap into the unknown.


How to Plan for a Future Divorce in New York


The first step is to understand what your legal rights are in New York, even if you're not in a position to get divorced in the next few months it helps to know what your rights are. It may be beneficial to consult a New York divorce mediator or divorce lawyer who can educate you on what your options are so that when the time comes you can make a more informed decision.


Seek the Support of Your Friends and Support Groups


Having a support system during this time can make the difference between getting through this time while maintaining a positive mindset versus taking a downward spiral towards depression.


Remember to prioritize Your Well-Being So That You Are in a Position to Take Care of Your Kids


This means that if you need to seek professional assistance from a therapist, be willing to be open to that. There are also things that you can do on your own such as yoga, meditation, or watching positive videos on YouTube, or even simple things like taking a walk one or two times a day.


Don’t Lose Hope for the Future


Even if divorce is not an option today just know that there is a way out if you start taking the little steps today. And if you're confused about how to get out of your marriage, contact Sabra Law Group to speak to a savvy New York divorce lawyer who can guide you on how to plan for divorce. Call Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971.

How Divorce Affects Children in New York

How Divorce Affects Children in New YorkAs New York parents battle out their divorce; oftentimes their kids get caught in the middle. Divorce can definitely take a toll on your children but there are ways to minimize the impact that it has on them. There are many ways that divorce an impact a child; but let’s explore a few of the most common ramifications of divorce on children.


Children May Experience a Roller Coaster of Emotions


The type of emotions may also vary depending upon the age of your children. Younger children may be confused because they don't understand what is really going on and they also may be unrealistically trying to get their parents back together.


When it comes to teenagers, they may resort to acting out or even feeling guilt and anger about the divorce. It is not uncommon for some children to feel responsible for the divorce even though they have nothing to do with it. 


This is why it's important for both parents to have a sit-down conversation with your children together and reassure them that they are loved and that they have nothing to do with the fact you are getting divorced.  Explain to them that the divorce is not going to change how much you both love them; and while there may be changes to living arrangements or day to day routines, you will do your best to keep them comfortable.


Are They Acting Out in School or Do They Seem Less Interested in School than Before?


For some children, divorce can also take a toll on their schooling; some children may start skipping class or even acting out towards other students or their teachers. Additionally, if your children are teenagers they may even try to engage in drugs or alcohol. This is why it's so important to have conversations with them throughout the divorce process. Remember to not get so wrapped up in your divorce that you don't know where your kids are or what they're doing. Yes, the divorce will be stressful and require a lot of your time, however, the more involved you can be in your children’s life, the better the transition will be for them.


Children May Become Depressed or Withdrawn During a Divorce in New York


Watch out for signs of depression in your children during divorce. If your children seem to be sad, withdrawn or stay in their room a lot this could be a sign that they are sad or depressed. If your child is exhibiting signs of being sad depressed or angry it is a good idea to seek professional help for your child.


Notify Your Children’s School to Contact You if Your Child Seems Off


It may also be beneficial to notify your school that you're going through a divorce and that if the teachers notice any difference in your children's behavior or if your child becomes troublesome that they should notify you. You can only fix a problem if you know there is one so it's better to be proactive instead of reactive.


Considering Divorce and Looking out for the Well Being of Your Children? 


If you are thinking of filing for divorce in New York or have already started the process reach out to Sabra Law Group for the legal support and guidance you need. Sabra Law Group provides both divorce mediation and divorce litigation services to NY couples with children who have decided to split.  A divorce can get complicated, and even more so, if children are involved.    Let the New York divorce mediation and litigation lawyers at Sabra Law Group assist you in your divorce matters, call (646) 472-7971.




How to Get Through Divorce with Emotional Grit

How to Get Through Divorce With Emotional GritBesides losing a loved one, divorce is one of the most difficult and emotional times one will go through. During a divorce, it is normal to experience a multitude of feelings. One day you may be feeling angry whereas the next day you may be feeling sad and depressed. And in the midst of it all, you may even see a glimmer of hope when you're having a good day. If you can learn how to utilize emotional grit during your divorce; it can help you build the resilience that you need to get through this difficult time. Think of emotional grit as the strength, courage, and wisdom that helps you navigate the toughest things that life throws your way, including divorce. Let’s explore how to get through divorce with emotional grit and come out ahead.


Don't Deny Your Feelings


If you're feeling sad, angry, hurt, or betrayed, understand that these are real emotions and you're not the only one who is going through these emotions. Other people in New York who have gone through divorce have also experienced these same feelings. What's more important is that you acknowledge your emotions and accept that this is a normal process of going through a divorce.


Build a Strong Support System to Lean on When Needed


Having a strong network of friends and family will ensure that when you do have a rough day dealing with your soon-to-be ex, you will have the support that you need to get through the toughest days. If you don't have a strong circle of friends and family that you can go to or maybe you're more of a private person, consider getting professional help. A licensed therapist, counselor, or divorce coach can help you feel supported during this difficult time. Also, if you have not already reached out to a New York divorce lawyer or mediator you may also consider seeking legal support from them.


Set Boundaries and Stick to Them



Many times, people think that setting boundaries means telling people what you don't want or what you will not tolerate and while that is true there's another scenario to consider as well. The other scenario is that simply stating your boundaries to your soon to be ex-spouse may not be enough. Boundaries are more impactful when you actually show the other person what you're willing to tolerate and not tolerate. So, in order to enforce boundaries, you must show them that you are serious about your limits and not just tell them.


Self-Care is a Must During This Time


Make sure that you are taking time to yourself every day and that you're also eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, and doing things that make you happy.


Even if you have children to take care of and a full-time job it's imperative that you take some time to yourself every day. Even if it's taking half an hour to go for a walk or listen to your favorite audiobook, going for a jog or to the gym or a lecture or play.


Think of Divorce as a Learning Experience


Every negative thing that happens to you in life can be used as a learning experience to grow as a person. Using your struggles as a learning experience can definitely help you be more resilient and prepared to bounce back from anything that life sends your way.


Be Open to Change


If there's one thing that every divorce has in common is that nothing stays the same and change is inevitable in a divorce. Therefore, instead of fighting the change, embrace it with open arms as a positive thing in your life rather than a negative.  This may be easier said than done.


Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself


Just remember that you are human, and you can only do your best, and whatever happens after that is out of your control. Therefore, if you know that you've done your best then give yourself some grace.


Do You Need Legal Guidance During Your Divorce in New York?


Call Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971 to get the help that you need and take some of the pressure off by letting a New York divorce mediator communicate and negotiate the complex terms of your divorce.

What Are the Steps for Filing for Divorce in New York?

What are the steps for filing for divorce in New YorkDivorce can be an unexpected life event.  No one plans to get divorced and many times, one spouse may even be caught off guard by their spouse telling them that they want a divorce. Nor can one even imagine everything that goes into getting a divorce.  One of the most common questions that come up when considering divorce is, “What are the steps for filing for divorce in New York?” Below are some questions to consider and tips on how to prepare when filing for divorce in the Empire State.


Do You Meet New York’s Residency Requirements?


The state of New York has certain residency requirements that you must meet to file for divorce. You have to meet one of the below NY residency requirements:


  • Have you or your spouse been living in New York for 2 consecutive years or more?
  • Did you or your spouse live in New York for at least 1 year prior to filing for divorce, and were you married in New York, or lived in New York as a married couple, or the grounds for divorce occurred in NY?
  • Were both you and your spouse New York residents when the divorce was filed and the grounds for your divorce happened in NY?

What Were the Grounds for Divorce?


There are two types of divorces in New York.  One is called a “no-fault” divorce and it involves an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage for 6 months or more. This means that the marriage is not repairable and one spouse wishes to end it.


The second type of divorce in New York is called a “fault” divorce.  A fault divorce can be based on factors in the marriage such as infidelity, abandonment, physical and emotional abuse, or if one spouse was in jail or prison for three or more years.


If you have questions about what type of divorce would be appropriate based on your unique circumstances, contact Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971.


Do You Have All of Your Financial Documents Ready?


An important part of filing for divorce is making sure that you have gathered all of your financial documents.  Financial documents may include items such as tax returns, bank statements, 401K, and other retirement accounts, pay stubs, investment accounts, credit card statements, loan accounts, and any debts.


Financial documents are essential for determining how assets will be divided as well as spousal support and child support payments. Your New York divorce attorney will also need these documents to help you with your divorce process.



Have You Considered What You May Want to Include in a Parenting Plan?


Have you discussed with your spouse to discuss matters such as custody arrangements, and how you plan on co-parenting?  Remember that the courts in New York will always put the best interest of the children above anything else, so it helps to find some common ground with your spouse.


Have You Filed a Summons with Notice or a Summons and Complaint With the County Clerk’s Office?


The summons should include what the grounds for divorce are, how many children you have together, proof of New York residency, and your preferences about custody and division of assets.  You may also include additional information on any other divorce issues that are important to document.


Have You Served Your Spouse?


Once you have filed the summons, you have to serve your spouse with the divorce papers within 120 days or less.  Usually, a third party is utilized to personally serve your spouse with the divorce papers.


Did Your Spouse Respond to Your Divorce Papers?


Once your spouse has responded to your divorce papers, you will have to start the negotiation process and come to an agreement on divorce matters such as custody and division of assets. If you wish to agree without having to hash it out in court, you may want to consider divorce mediation.  Divorce mediation is a more cost-effective and less adversarial option for divorcing as it calls for open communication and compromise to come to resolutions on the various aspects of divorce such as custody, division of assets, and co-parenting.


Need Help for Filing for Divorce in New York?


Contact Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 if you need assistance with filing for divorce in New York and help with negotiating the terms of your divorce.






What Are The Steps for Filing for Divorce in New York?

What Are the Steps for Filing for Divorce in New YorkDivorce can be an unexpected life event.  No one plans to get divorced and many times, one spouse may even be caught off guard by their spouse telling them that they want a divorce. Nor can one even imagine everything that goes into getting a divorce.  One of the most common questions that come up when considering divorce is, “What are the steps for filing for divorce in New York?” Below are some questions to consider and tips on how to prepare when filing for divorce in the Empire State.

Do You Meet New York’s Residency Requirements?

The state of New York has certain residency requirements that you must meet to file for divorce. You have to meet one of the below NY residency requirements:

  • Have you or your spouse been living in New York for 2 consecutive years or more?
  • Did you or your spouse live in New York for at least 1 year prior to filing for divorce, and were you married in New York, or lived in New York as a married couple, or the grounds for divorce occurred in NY?
  • Were both you and your spouse New York residents when the divorce was filed and the grounds for your divorce happened in NY?

What Were the Grounds for Divorce?

There are two types of divorces in New York.  One is called “no-fault” divorce and it requires only that one spouse can sign a sworn statement stating that there has been   “an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage for at least 6 months”.

The second type of divorce in New York is called a “fault” divorce.  A fault divorce can be based on factors in the marriage such as infidelity, abandonment, physical and emotional abuse or if one spouse was in jail or prison for three or more years.

If you have questions about what type of divorce would be appropriate based on your unique circumstances, contact Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971.

Do You Have All of Your Financial Documents Ready?

An important part of filing for divorce is making sure that you have gathered all of your financial documents.  Financial documents may include items such as tax returns, bank statements, 401K, and other retirement accounts, pay stubs, investment accounts, credit card statements, loan accounts, and any debts.

Financial documents are essential for determining how assets will be divided as well as alimony and child support payments. Your New York divorce attorney will also need these documents to help you with your divorce process.

Have You Considered What You May Want to Include in a Parenting Plan?

Have you discussed with your spouse to discuss matters such as custody arrangements, and how you plan on co-parenting?  Remember that the courts in New York will always put the best interest of the children above anything else, so it helps to find some common ground with your spouse.

Have You Filed a Summons with Notice or a Summons and Complaint With the County Clerk’s Office?

The summons should include what the grounds for divorce are, how many children you have together, proof of New York residency, and your preferences pertaining to custody and division of assets.  You may also include additional information with any other divorce matters that you think are important to document.

Have You Served Your Spouse?

Once you have filed the summons, you have to serve your spouse with the divorce papers within 120 days or less.  Usually, a third-party is utilized to serve your spouse with the divorce papers.

Did Your Spouse Respond to Your Petition?

Once your spouse has responded to your petition, you will have to start the negotiation process and come to an agreement on divorce matters such as custody and division of assets. If you wish to come to an agreement without having to hash it out in court, you may want to consider divorce mediation.  Divorce mediation is a more cost-effective and less adversarial option for divorcing as it calls for open communication and compromise to come to resolutions on the various aspects of divorce such as custody, division of assets, and co-parenting under the oversight and guidance of a divorce mediation professional.

Need Help for Filing for Divorce in New York?

Contact Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 if you need assistance with filing for divorce in New York and help with negotiating the terms of your divorce.

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering Divorce in New York

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering Divorce in New York Contemplating divorce should never be taken lightly.  Deciding to divorce should be well-thought out and it is important to have the right conversations.  By conversations, this means conversations with yourself and your spouse. Below are 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering Divorce in New York.


Have You Communicated Your Feelings to Your Spouse?


The first question you should ask yourself is have you taken the time to open and honestly communicate with your spouse about your unhappiness in the marriage?  Have you told them that you are unhappy and considering divorce?  By openly communicating with your spouse, it allows them to potentially fix what may be broken in the marriage.  One of the reasons marriages fail in New York is also because of lack of communication.


Have You Tried Marriage Counseling? 


Many New York couples have been able to salvage their marriage because of marriage counseling.  If you and your spouse have not entirely given up on your marriage, it may make sense to try seeking the assistance of a therapist or marriage counselor.


Do You Have a Clear Understanding of Why You Want a Divorce?


You should have a clear understanding of the reasons why you are considering divorce.  If you are unable to come to a clear understanding, then you may need to do a bit more soul-searching before making such a huge decision.


Are You Financially Prepared for Divorce?


Divorce can be expensive in New York; especially if it is more complex and requires litigation.  Divorce mediation is a more cost-effective option if you and your spouse are on speaking terms and willing to make decisions without having to go to court. You must also consider the living arrangements and expenses after divorce.


Are You Willing to Disrupt Your Children’s Lifestyle?


Getting a divorce may mean that your children may have to change schools or give up their friends or after-school activities that they enjoy.  You will have to assess how the divorce may impact your children and weigh your options of what is right for you and your family.


Are You Emotionally Prepared for Divorce?


Divorce can be emotionally taxing. Do you have a support system to rely on if needed?  Divorce is one of the most stressful life events you will have to go through in your life.


Are You Making a Spontaneous Decision to Divorce Because You Are Angry?


Ask yourself if you are claiming to divorce because you are angry at something that happened recently or are the problems in your marriage are more of a boiling pot that just tipped over?


Will You Have Regrets About Ending Your Marriage?


Be prepared to ask yourself if you will have regrets afterwards.  Because if you are really ending your marriage to do what is best for you; you should not have any regrets.


Are You Prepared to Make Such a Drastic Change In Your Life Right Now?


And maybe divorce is the answer, but you must also ask yourself about “timing.” Is it the right time for you to divorce now or would you be in a better place 6-12 months from now?  A divorce is something that requires planning and careful consideration of the next steps.  There are so many factors to consider such as who will live where?


Are You Able to Handle Being a Single Parent?


What plan do you have to take care of your children?  What about having to go back to the workforce to make a living; would you be comfortable putting your children in daycare or with a babysitter?  Being a single parent means being able to juggle everything on your own and also be able to financially support yourself and your children.



Divorcing? Need Help Sorting Through Child Support and Divorce Matters in New York?


Are you considering divorce in New York? Call Sabra Law Group to discuss your options in case you do decide that you want to get divorced.  Reach out to us at (646) 472-7971.










How to Date After a Divorce in New York

How to Date After a Divorce In New YorkAfter years of being married, venturing out into the dating scene can be scary, especially in a big city like New York.  This does not mean that you should not get back out there, but more so, have a game plan on dating in New York. Learn how to date after a divorce in New York.


Build Up Your Confidence Level


Coming out of a bad marriage can take a toll on your mental health and confidence level.  So, step one before you do anything else is to work on your confidence level. There are many different ways you can build up your confidence level.  One way is to practice affirmations.  Look in the mirror every morning and say some positive affirmations about what you or others love about you.  Another way to build your confidence is to learn a new skill or activity; whether you have been wanting to take salsa lessons or a cooking class, get out there and explore new activities. Try a new hairstyle or hair color and treat yourself to a nice dinner or a favorite excursion.


Get Out and Socialize


One of the great things about living in a big city like New York is that there is never a lack of things to do or events to go to.  Consider some social or charity events, or even volunteering for your favorite charity.  You can also look into Meetup groups on Meetup.com or start your own group.  You may also be able to find groups on there for recently divorced people. Eventbrite also lists local events in your area.


Be Sensitive to Your Children’s Feelings


Depending on the age range of your children, you may need to have a conversation with them about your intention to start dating.  You may also consider not introducing them to anyone that you are not serious with because kids are very sensitive to meeting strangers after a divorce.


Don’t Expect to Get it All Right


If dating seems awkward at first, give yourself some grace that you have been out of the dating scene for so many years.  Also, don’t have any expectations in the beginning.  Get out there and enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. Also, if you feel like you are not ready to date…there is no reason to rush it or “date” just because you think you should be. There is no right or wrong time to start dating and everyone has to do what is best for them.


Currently Separated or Going Through a Divorce?


If you need legal assistance with your divorce, contact Sabra Law Group today to schedule a confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971.  





How to Protect Your Credit Score During a Divorce in New York

Divorce can be challenging enough with all the matters that have to be dealt with, but you also must consider the ramifications of divorce on your credit score. A New York divorce is stressful enough, but you also must come up with a game plan to tackle the division of debts and joint credit cards and credit obligations. It is important to remember that as you are separating lives; having a healthy credit score will be necessary to start over on your own.

Protect your credit score during a divorce in New York

Joint Accounts Can Have an Impact on Your Credit Score


It's not the actual marital status (getting divorced) that impacts your credit score but rather it's the joint accounts that you may have with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. As couples are going through the divorce process it's easy to overlook a monthly payment.  


Late payments can have a negative impact on your credit score, and you might be dinged by a couple of points. A couple of points may not sound like a lot; however, it can be the difference between having good credit or fair credit.


Understand the Impact of Closing Joint Credit Cards


Another factor to consider is closing joint credit cards. When you close a credit card it can impact your credit utilization ratio. What this means is that your total amount of available credit decreases when you close a particular account.


Another factor to consider is that your ex-spouse may remove you as an authorized user from their credit card. The negative impact this can have is that your credit usage may be impacted and your credit score may drop as a result of not being able to use your spouse's credit card.


Some Important Considerations to Protect Yourself During a Divorce


Be Proactive and Consider Freezing Your Credit Report


Freeze your credit reports during a divorce just in case your ex-spouse wants to open accounts in your name or is attempting to open up additional joint accounts prior to the divorce.


Have Those Essential Conversations About Existing Debt with Your Spouse


If you can work with your spouse to divide up any existing accounts that you have together, it would be worth it to sit down and have a conversation about how you are going to divide those accounts up and when the best time is to handle that.


It's also important to discuss who's going to pay for the remaining debts on credit cards or how the payments will be split up.


If you cannot come to a resolution on sorting out who will pay for which debts seek the assistance of a New York divorce mediation lawyer who can help you come to an amicable resolution. Call Sabra Law Group to schedule a call at (646) 472-7971.


Invest in Monthly Credit Monitoring


It's also a good idea to sign up for a monthly credit monitoring plan so you can monitor your credit report that's why you will get notified if your credit score increases or decreases you will also be able to monitor any inaccuracies and report them so that they do not negatively impact your overall credit score.


Need Assistance in Sorting Through Important Divorce Matters in New York?


Contact Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971 to speak to a New York divorce mediation lawyer.  Our firm can help you sort through the challenging issues of divorce so you can focus on what matters the most.



How to Protect Your Assets During a Divorce in NYC

How to Protect Your Assets During a Divorce in NYC


Divorce in New York can be stressful enough but when you couple that with splitting up assets it can be a lot to tackle. Not only do you have to be concerned about splitting up assets, but you also have to be concerned with how to protect your assets in a divorce. A New York divorce mediator shares how to protect your assets during a divorce in New York City.

How to Protect Your Assets During a Divorce in NYC

Understand the Difference Between marital Property and Separate Property


Marital property pertains to any assets or debts that were acquired during the marriage. Marital property is able to be divided up in a divorce.


Separate property pertains to property that was owned prior to the marriage. It can also pertain to property that may have been received as a gift or inheritance. Separate property for the most part is not usually divided in a divorce.


One of the Best Ways to Protect Your Assets During a Divorce is Through a Prenup or a Postnuptial Agreement


A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement outlines how the assets and debts will be handled in the event of a divorce.


Consider Having Separate Accounts for Any Premarital Assets or Any Inheritance Funds


This is important to keep them from being commingled with marital assets so that it is easier to distinguish the origin of these assets.


Keep Track of Accurate Reporting and Records of any Assets that Were Required


Keep records of what the dates were and where the funds came to pay for these assets. Furthermore, make sure that you or keeping any inheritance documentation handy when needed.


If you're not sure about the value of particular assets such as paintings or real estate or even a family business; go to an appraiser to get an appraisal for your assets. Getting an appraisal will help your assets from being undervalued during the divorce process.


Keep an eye on any joint bank accounts that you have to make sure that there are not any unauthorized transactions or withdrawals. You should also keep an eye on your credit card accounts to make sure that there are not any unauthorized or large purchases that you're not aware of.


What to Do If You Suspect Your Spouse May Be Hiding Assets in New York?


Do your homework if you are suspicious that your spouse may be hiding assets. You might consider utilizing these systems of a forensic accountant who may be able to uncover any discrepancies.


Have Questions About Protecting Your Assets During a Divorce?


Call Sabra Law Group to speak to a knowledgeable New York divorce lawyer who can guide you on how to prepare for divorce and protect your assets in New York City. Call Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971. 



How You Can Have a Low-Conflict Divorce in New York City

Low Conflict Divorce in New YorkIt is possible to have a low-conflict divorce in New York City if you are prepared.   While being prepared can help you have a low-conflict divorce; it is important to remember that not everyone's soon-to-be ex is going to be cooperative. If you happen to have a spouse that is manipulative or narcissistic it may take a bit more work to have a low-stress divorce. A New York divorce mediation lawyer shares some tactics for having a low-conflict divorce in NYC below.


Get as Many Issues as Possible off the Table Before Seeking Outside Assistance


Before you retain the services of a divorce mediation lawyer or a New York divorce lawyer try to get a gauge for where things stand with your soon-to-be ex. Have an open and honest conversation with them to see which issues you may be able to resolve before getting outside assistance. It may be sensible to discuss things like do they want the divorce to be over as soon as possible. Or are they willing to fight it out in court because they're not willing to settle on some of the bigger things?  And even if you cannot resolve any issues, a professional will help you work through them and resolve them.


Focus on What's Really Important When it Comes to Divorce


Rather than focusing on material things, focus on the best interest of the children first and then proceed to other matters that must be resolved. Remember to not let other divorce matters take precedence over your children.


Refrain from Blaming Each Other and Pointing Fingers


Pointing out the negative aspects of your spouse is not going to help matters! Let's suppose that your spouse did cheat on you, but if you keep pointing that out to them over and over it's not going to help resolve the matters at hand. Keep your conversations focused on agreeing on key matters in the divorce. 


Divorce is complex and many issues have to be sorted through including child custody, child support, division of assets, and much more. By keeping your emotions out of the equation you're more likely to come to a quicker resolution that makes sense for both parties. Again, the right professional can help you stay focused on the issues at hand rather than letting your emotions interfere with reaching resolutions and making agreements.


Acknowledge That You Will Have to Compromise


By not compromising, the divorce process will only get delayed and your goal of having a low-conflict divorce will not be met. Remember that a high-conflict divorce is not only stressful but can take a toll on your mental health and the health of your children.  By not compromising, it can also end up costing you thousands of dollars more to divorce.


Seek the Right Support System for Your Needs


When you first announce to your network of friends and family that you're getting divorced; a lot of them may try to give you unwanted advice or interfere in your marriage problems. It's important to realize that not all of your friends are going to have your best interest at heart, and you have to determine who is truly there to be by your side and who is there to be judgmental. When it comes to finding the right support system, keep your circle small so that it keeps the private matters at hand more private. If you cherish your privacy, then you want to make sure that you only share private matters with friends and family who have proven to be discreet.


Most of All Don't Forget to Take Care of Yourself


Everyone knows that going through a divorce can be a taxing experience, therefore; it is important to take care of yourself. This means taking time for yourself to de-stress, unwind, take a walk, go to the gym, meditate, do yoga or do anything that you find relaxing.


Having to take care of the kids and possibly even having a full-time job while going through a divorce is not an easy task! However, if you remember to take some time for yourself every day, it can help set you up to be able to tackle whatever comes your way.


Consider Divorce Mediation in New York City if You Are Wanting a Low Conflict Divorce


Call Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 at to schedule a confidential consultation. Whether you want to mediate your divorce or have more complex matters that require litigation, our New York divorce mediation firm is here to assist.