Monthly Archives: January 2015
Forget the Trouble: A Prenup Saves You Money
The emotional and relationship roadblocks to an effective prenuptial agreement are well-known: Many people, in love and wanting to be optimistic about the chances of their newly-forged relationship, believe a prenup is unnecessary and potentially insulting. The reality is a little different, … Continue reading
No Bargains: Face It, Divorce is Expensive
There are plenty of advertisements in which attorneys appear to offer very cheap divorces – often for just a few hundred dollars. Television shows and films often flippantly refer to “quickie divorces.” All of it might give the impression that … Continue reading
Choose Your Own Path: Options for Separated Couples
Not all marriages end in thrown crockery and private investigators lurking outside motel rooms; most marriages end quietly, with both partners realizing they simply no longer work as a couple and seeking to separate their lives as quickly and painlessly … Continue reading
Divorce Mediation: You’ve Agreed on Everything, Now What?
Divorce is never entered into lightly, and is an emotionally wearing experience for both spouses no matter how necessary. Even when mediation is the procedure used to work out the details – a less expensive, less emotionally trying, and faster … Continue reading