How Divorce Mediation Can Help You Sort Through Child Support Issues in Manhattan
If you are contemplating divorce, the way ahead may not seem clear. Many issues need to be decided, and the most contentious of these may relate to your children.
Mediation is a common-sense alternative to litigation when you are divorcing. One of the reasons why mediation works so well is that it can be used to settle even the most complicated matters, such as child support issues.
Divorce Mediation Works for Families
When a separating couple cannot agree on settlement terms, divorce mediation is a smart method for untangling even the most complex issues.
It's not unusual for couples to be unable to come to an agreement with regard to child support issues. Whether you expect that you will be paying or receiving child support, this remains one of the most hotly-contested questions.
Part of the problem is that no two families look or function in precisely the same way. A workable child support solution that's perfect for one family may be a disaster for another. Unfortunately, if you decide to go to court to settle child support issues, you're likely to end up with a one-size-fits-all solution.
Divorce mediation is your opportunity to create a unique child support arrangement that is ideal for your family's unique situation.
Getting the Facts About Income
Engaging in divorce mediation makes it possible for both sides to get a clearer picture with regard to the earnings of the opposing party. Chances are good that both parties already have rough ideas, but mediation necessitates disclosure of all sources of income so that a more equitable arrangement can be reached.
Even if it ultimately is not possible for a couple to settle child support issues during divorce mediation, going through the process will provide essential evidence that the court can use to make its calculations. In some cases, the mediator is called upon to give a professional opinion about which income should and should not count in child support calculations.
Is It Possible to Agree to No Child Support?
This is a possible outcome, but only if both parties agree that no child support is necessary. If an agreement for no child support cannot be reached in mediation, be prepared for the court to decide this question.
Help with Child Support Issues and More
Contact Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 to learn more about how beneficial divorce mediation in Manhattan can be.