Life After Divorce

How to Recover from Divorce and Get Healthy Again

Recover From Divorce and Get HealthyDivorce can take a serious toll on your emotional, physical and spiritual health.  In some cases, divorce is mutual and it doesn’t come as a complete shock.  In other cases, divorce can come as a complete shock and leave you devastated.    


It is much easier to absorb the news of divorce when you know that your marriage has been in trouble for years, however, when divorce comes out of nowhere; it is very difficult to take in and recover.


Here are some tips below to help you get back to normal and feel healthy again, both emotionally and physically.


  1. Maintain Healthy Eating Habits:  Make sure you are eating breakfast every morning.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day that fuels your energy.  Do not skip meals because you are trying to lose weight or too busy to eat.  Be cognizant about the type of food you consume and do not resort to fast food just because you don’t have time to cook.  There are many pick up and go healthy options at local grocery stores and prepared meal stores.


  1. Drink Plenty of Water and Fluids:  Water is essential for physiologic health.  It also helps aid digestion.  You can also try coconut water that has electrolytes and potassium.  It you do not like drinking plain water, consider making a pitcher of fruit infused water. You can experiment with lemons, oranges, cucumbers, strawberries or other flavorful fruits.


  1. Get Enough Sleep:  You probably have a good idea of what your body requires in terms of sleep.  Some people can get by on 4-6 hours of sleep, whereas; others need 6-8 hours at a minimum.  One pattern you want to avoid is oversleeping as that can leave you feeling sluggish and tired.


  1. Try Meditation or Yoga: Because dealing with divorce is highly stressful, incorporating physical activities that can help you de-stress and maintain inner peace will be helpful and comforting.  For instance, try meditating once or twice a day for a few minutes.  You can try the Headspace app or Calm app to help guide you through relaxation and meditation. 


  1. Exercise:  Exercising means different things for different people.  Depending on what type of exercise you prefer, there are many options available.  You can try walking, jogging, bicycling, going to the gym, taking a dance class, or even kick-boxing.


If you are in the beginning stages of divorce, contact Sabra Divorce Mediation for assistance with your divorce process at (646) 472-7971

How to Plan for Retirement When Going Through a Divorce in New York

Divorce in New York

Going through a divorce can be a very difficult thing. This is especially true if you are nearing retirement. In such cases, you have to bear the risk of losing out on a significant portion of your savings. However, this does not need to be the case. With the right kind of legal guidance and prudent planning, you can protect your retirement fund. Here are some important factors to consider:

  1. Pre-Nuptial Agreement

In this day and age where almost half of all marriages in the US end in divorces, it is completely negligent to not have a prenup. While you might enter into a matrimonial bond purely based on romantic feelings, that does not exempt you from being prudent. However, most divorce cases do not have a prenup and if you are reading this, then, while it is probably already too late for a prenup, a post-nuptial agreement may be appropriate. Nevertheless, any person looking to get married should invest in a prenup that protects them, their assets and their children in case of divorce.

  1. Grounds for Divorce

During the hearing of a divorce case, it is very important to explain its cause. For example, if your spouse has had an adulterous relationship, then that is certainly grounds for divorce. Further, you can protect your finances from being split up with your former spouse. However, you are going to need sound professional advice in order to make that happen.

  1. The Agreement

It may happen that you want to get a divorce, but your spouse does not. Or it can be the case that your spouse has filed for divorce and now you might lose part of your savings. In such situations, you should seek out legal help as soon as possible. The details of every case are unique as are the people who are going to be advocating for each side. The best way to come out on top is to hire reputable and experienced divorce lawyers who can negotiate a favorable divorce agreement on your behalf.

Where Can You Get Legal Help to Plan for Retirement and Divorce in New York?

Sabra Law Group is one of the leading divorce specialists in New York. Sabra has helped countless clients resolve their divorces with the least impact possible on their retirement plans. Ensure your freedom and future security comes at the least possible price. Call 646-472-7971 and book an appointment with Sabra today!

How to Have a Happy Holiday Season After Divorce

The holidays are stressful enough, and when divorce gets added to the equation, it increases stress.   Regardless of the timing of your divorce, there is never an ideal time for divorce.  This is especially true when you have to break the news of divorce to your children. 

If your divorce was recently finalized or if you are in the process of a divorce, this may be your first holiday season apart.  For your children, there will be an adjustment period.  Children look forwards to spending special occasions and holidays with both of their parents. 

Even though your children cannot be in two places at the same time, there are some tips to ease the pain.   Follow the suggestions below for a merrier holiday season:

  1. Plan Something New & Exciting: Children may be accustomed to traditions from the past.  Create new traditions that can make their holiday season a happy and memorable one.  Ask them to make a list of 5 things they have been meaning to do or try but haven’t yet.  Once you have the list, you can plan a surprise for them and build some new, beautiful memories together.
  2. Make Time to Talk to Your Children:  This means to make time to really discuss their feelings and ask them (if they are old enough) how they are coping with the pressure of everything.  Children have their own set of stress at school.  Your children may be dealing with bullying, peer pressure, or having issues with their grades.  By showing them that you are there to listen to them and support them, it may help them open up about their feelings about the divorce as well.
  3. Respect Your Children’s Wishes:  If your children really want to spend time with your former spouse, do not deprive them of that.  Remember to always put the best interest of your children first. You can always a find a way to effectively co-parent if you work together instead of against each other.  It is essential to remember that the more accommodating you are, the easier the custody process will be.

You Can Have a Happy Holiday Season After Divorce

If you or someone you know is facing divorce and needs assistance with a parenting plan or divorce mediation, Sabra’s Divorce Mediation process can help.  Contact Sabra Law Group today for to schedule your confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971.

Handling Holiday Child Custody Arrangements in Manhattan

With the holidays quickly approaching, there are so many things to handle.  One of the most important things to handle is child custody arrangements for the holidays. 

Below are some tips on handling child custody arrangements in Manhattan

  1. Plan ahead:  never wait until the last minute to sort out child custody arrangements with your ex.  The sooner you start planning, the better.   Hopefully, you already have a written schedule of custody for your children throughout the year.  However, for some reason, if you don’t, the first step should be to agree on a schedule for child custody. 
  2. Take your children’s wishes into consideration: If your children are old enough to be in middle school or high school, they may have some excursions in mind.  Ask your children if there is something specific they would enjoy doing during the winter break.  This will help you plan accordingly when it comes to custody.  Your child may have a friend’s birthday party they want to attend and you book a family vacation without consulting them; they will not be happy. 
  3. Don’t micro-manage what your ex does when he/she is with your children.  If you are too busy constantly nagging your ex, you will be missing quality time with your children.  It is hard to tell your ex who to bring around or not when your children are over, so choose your battles wisely. 
  4. Be more concerned with making your own winter plans, rather than be obsessed about what your ex is doing.  Your ex may have an extravagant trip planned with his/her significant other.  If you show jealously or try to interfere with their plans, it will only create more conflict.  The holidays are stressful enough without creating unnecessary conflict.  Spend your time focusing on your plans and what you can do with the children to have a memorable holiday season.  Create your own experiences and memories that are just as fabulous as your ex’s activities. 
  5. When you do have to see your ex, be polite and respectful.   Even if your ex can frustrate you, don’t let it be seen.  The more you show your frustration, the more your ex will irritate you.  Set the example and be the kind of person that you would want exemplify for your children.  It is essential to remember that your children may be in the background, listening to your conversations. 

If you need to alter your child custody arrangements in Manhattan, call Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971.  And we can help you with creating or altering parenting plans.  Give us a call today.


Dealing with Divorce During the Holiday Season in Manhattan

Dealing with divorce is never easy, let alone during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.  The holiday season is a stressful time for many people.  There are so many things to consider: family gatherings, holiday shopping, deadlines at work and providing for your children. 

The holiday season also happens to be at the end of the year, which is the time when people start reflecting on their life and how they want to spend next year.    For some people, a new year approaching causes them to evaluate their situation.  They realize that they no longer want to be in an unhappy marriage.  They also realize that they want their freedom, so they can live life on their terms.   

Follow the tips below to get through the holiday season with positive emotions: 

  1. Help those less fortunate – get out and volunteer at a local homeless shelter or an animal shelter.   There are also other charities you can get involved with if you want to help the elderly. Volunteering your time to do some good deeds will keep you busy so you have less time to feel down.It will also bring you satisfaction as there is no better feeling than helping others.
  2. Make some new holiday traditions or try something completely new – You may have traditions that you have followed year after year, however, try to change it up.   By changing the routine plans, and doing something completely different, you will feel excited about the holidays.  Also, it gives you something to look forward to.
  3. Book a spa day – If you are the type of person who always puts others first, it is critical to take time out just for yourself.  Book a spa day with no distractions from the children, email or cell phone.  There are so many options today from a simple 20 minute back massage, to a full body massage, even a floating meditation or a salt room experience. Furthermore, if you have the resources to travel, book a mini-weekend getaway and explore a new town or city you have never been to. And with the holiday discounts and websites such as Groupon and Living Social, there is an opportunity for every budget.
  1. Plan fun activities with your children – If you plan your activities in advance, you can ensure that they are more likely to happen.  If you want to take your children to see the Nutcracker but wait until the last minute, tickets might be sold out.   Create a “fun” calendar for the family and ask your children to contribute their ideas for fun activities they would like to try. 

Are You Dealing with Divorce During the Holiday Season in Manhattan?

Contact Sabra Law Group today for a confidential consultation to learn more about your options when it comes to divorce.  Call Sabra today at (646) 472-7971.


Learning to Trust Friends During and After Divorce in New York

If you are going through a difficult divorce, it may leave you feeling lost, frustrated and incapable of trusting others. During this stressful time, you may seek to turn to friends that you feel comfortable confiding in.

If you and your spouse had friends in common and now those same friends are taking sides, your friendships will definitely be tested.  Many thoughts are going through your mind, such as, “how can you confide in a mutual friend without that friend relaying your feelings back to your spouse?”

In the beginning, all of your personal friends may be supportive and state that they will be there for you and are there to support you during the tough times. What they may not be telling you is that if your divorce drags on for years, they may not want to hear about it anymore. It may seem that suddenly “your divorce” has become a taboo topic. 

There may be some exceptions to your friends abandoning you if your divorce drags on for years; those exceptions may be friends that you have known your entire life and they have been there for you in the past when you needed them and vice versa. These are the type of friends that you want to turn to when times get tough. It is also important to not take their friendship for granted. Friendship is a two-way street, this means you must also nurture the friendship and be supportive and understanding of what they are going through in their lives. 

Evaluate which friends you can trust with your deepest, darkest secrets and which friends you cannot trust. Follow your instincts and intuition to guide you along the way. Confiding in people for emotional support is different from seeking advice and guidance.

Be cautious about “advice” you might receive from well-meaning friends and family who may be inclined to tell you all about what they would do if they were in your situation, or what it was like for them or other’s divorce that they “heard” about.  Keep in mind that circumstances are different in every divorce, no two situations are identical, even the smallest factual difference can mean a radically different outcome, laws change, the applicability of the law may differ depending upon the State, the Court, or the Judge appointed to the case.

Surrounding yourself with friends and family whom you can confidently confide in will be helpful to your mental well-being and can help keep you strong throughout a lengthy challenging divorce. Those relationships can help pick you up, re-energize you and bring fun back into your life where it may be lacking or where your divorce feels like it is consuming every ounce of your time and energy.

Here are some tips to regaining trust in others and maintaining balance.

Follow This Simple Process to Regain Your Trust:

  1. Disclose small bits of information and gauge what the reaction is from your friends and/or family
  2. If you feel that your friends or family are supportive rather than judgmental, then:
  3. Proceed to share more information with them
  4. If they offer their help and support, do not have too much pride to turn them down
  5. Realize that just because you had a bad experience with your spouse that not everyone will treat you the same way
  6. Be open to meeting new people and making new friends

Dealing With Divorce in New York? 

If you are going through a divorce in New York, do not hesitate to consult a New York divorce mediation attorney who may be able to help you with some of the challenges that come with divorce. Contact the Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 for a confidential consultation.

How to Handle Division of Assets in a New York Divorce

How do you deal with the legal aspects of splitting up your assets and most valued possessions?  The decisions are up to the couple, however, if the couple cannot amicably determine how to divide their assets, it may be best to seek the assistance of an experienced divorce mediation attorney.  

A New York divorce mediation attorney can help you resolve complicated issues surrounding your divorce which may ultimately be a good way to avoid court and the high legal fees that coincide with litigation.  

Whether you decide to tackle this matter yourself or seek the counsel of an experienced New York divorce mediation attorney, it may be beneficial to have a basic understanding of where to begin:

  1. Equitable Distribution: is based on many factors such as earnings, age, health, and contributions made and does not necessarily mean an equal division.
  2. Separate & Marital Property: separate property may include real estate, inheritance, heirlooms, and insurance.  Marital property are things or property that were acquired during the marriage.
  3. Personal Property:  consists of clothing, watches, accessories, shoes, and any gifts given to your spouse.  
  4. Electronics: if there are electronics that were shared in the home such as a desktop computer, iPad, or laptop; these items will need to be divided up as well.
  5. Cars/Trucks/Boats: if you owned a car, truck or boat prior to your marriage, it is considered separate property, however, if it was acquired during the marriage the couple must decide who gets what or sell the vehicles and split the proceeds from the sale. It can get complicated if an asset was acquired during the marriage using funds acquired prior to marriage.
  6. Sentimental Value Items:  each person will have items that they have a sentimental value towards.  Whether this includes photographs, fine art, family heirlooms, jewelry, souvenirs or collectibles, the couple will have to determine how to split up these items.  
  7. Home/Condo/Vacation Home: you must collectively decide if you will sell the home and use the money to find a new place to live or if one spouse will continue to live in the home. Other considerations are a buy-out, or division of the proceeds, and tax considerations. Who will be responsible for the mortgage payments also needs to be determined.  When dealing with a vacation home, it might be easier just to sell it and split the proceeds, however, the home (primary residence) that the couple lived in together may be a much more difficult issue to resolve.  

If you are facing a New York divorce, contact an experienced divorce mediation attorney who can help you with handling the entire division of assets process.  You may get a more favorable end result by utilizing the legal expertise of an experienced divorce mediator who has years of experience handling these types of legal matters.

Contact The Sabra Law Group today for a confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971.

Manhattan Child Custody Mediator Explains What You Should Know About Relocating After Divorce

Manhattan Child Custody Mediator









If you are considering moving to a new state after your divorce, it is important to put your children’s best interest first in addition to considering the other parent’s custody rights.


Consult a Local Divorce Attorney for Laws That Apply to Your State


Laws on custodial rights and relocating your children may vary from state to state, however, usually the custodial parent has to provide the noncustodial parent with a formal written notice with the intent to move. If the noncustodial parent wants to object to the move, he or she can file a formal objection with the court.  Once the objection with the court has been filed, it is up to the judge to schedule a “move away” trial and determine what is in the best interest of the children’s welfare.


Some Factors That the Court Uses to Determine the Outcome


  1. The stability of the children’s relationship is evaluated as well as the extent of involvement from each parent and even grandparents or siblings.
  2. The actual intent behind the parent seeking the move as well as the parent opposing the move.
  3. Any prior patterns of relocation that indicate what type of impact it had on the children
  4. Evaluating the quality of life that the relocation may provide for the children
  5. The financial implications of the move or prevention of the move
  6. The age of the children as well as their maturity level



A Manhattan Child Custody Mediator Can Help


It is possible to resolve the issue of relocating with children without taking it to court.  A child custody mediator can help you resolve difficult issues pertaining to child custody without the stress and added financial expenses of court.  There are a lot of considerations that have to be sorted out such as:  who will pay for the children’s travel to be able to see the noncustodial parent, and if the children’s schedule with school would allow time for visits during the year and what times of the year those visits would be scheduled.


Contact Manhattan child custody mediator Sabra Sasson today at (646) 472-7971 for a confidential consultation on your child custody matter. 

New York Divorce Lawyer Shares How to Rediscover Yourself After a Divorce

So after 25 years of marriage you find yourself searching for a “New York Divorce Lawyer” and you are now faced with spending life without your spouse, now what happens?  Many people can lose their identity in a marriage and thus, feel as though they have lost themselves. 


Simple Ways to Rediscover Yourself After a Divorce


  1. Get a new hobby:  try something new that you have always wanted to do but never took the time to do.   Whether you have wanted to try ballroom dancing or learn to ski, take the first step and book that first class.   Getting out of the house and learning a new skill or doing a new activity is not only good for your soul but is also a great way to make some new friends.
  2. Join a group:  go online and research women’s/men’s groups and find one that fits into your passions.   Whether it is a business networking group or a social group; you may find comfort in being surrounded by men or women who empower and support each other.
  3. Adopt a pet:  if you don’t have a pet or just want to add another furry friend to the family, adopting a pet can be a very fulfilling process.   There are pet shelters all over the United States that have pets available for adoption for a small fee.   A pet can also elevate your mood and cure loneliness.  
  4. Join Toastmaster’s:  not only will you sharpen your professional speaking skills, but Toastmasters can help you get your voice back; that was possibly lost in your marriage.
  5. Take a vacation (alone):  go travel the world if you are able to and discover the beauty globally or at least take a 3-4 day vacation and do things that you would have not done when you were with your spouse, such as dining alone.   The more you push yourself to do things outside of your comfort zone, the more comfortable those things will become in the future.
  6. Go to a retreat:  work on yourself and go to a retreat that involves meditation, healthy eating, and overcoming any limiting beliefs. 
  7. Start that business: if you have always wanted to have your own business, go ahead and start that business.  Start taking steps towards your goals and create something that has a deeper meaning than just money.   
  8. Take care of your health:  join a gym or sign up for fitness classes and commit to leading a healthy lifestyle where you put yourself first.


If you have a friend that is going through a divorce, share this article with them so they can rediscover themselves after or during a divorce. 


New York Divorce Lawyer Can Support You Handle Tough Issues That May Arise


Contact The Sabra Law Group today to speak to an experienced and savvy divorce mediation lawyer today at (646) 472-7971.