Breaking News of Divorce

Learn Why People Stay in Unhappy Marriages

The reasons people divorce will vary from one couple to the next.  Some people decide to divorce because of infidelity or domestic abuse, whereas, for others it may simply be that they no longer get along. 

One of the main reasons people stay in unhappy marriages is because of their children.  Parents will go to any length to make sacrifices for their children.  One of these sacrifices is staying in an unhappy marriage for the sake of the children.  

The problem with doing this is that it may produce an unhealthy environment for the children.  Children learn from their surroundings and environment.  If you and your spouse are constantly arguing and fighting, then your children may be raised with the wrong perception of marriage.  Your children may fail to have a realistic outlook on what a healthy relationship and a healthy marriage really is or should entail. 

Another reason people stay in a marriage is because of the bond you once had.  Sometimes, it is hard to let go of the good times and memories.  If your mind drifts back to the time you first met and things were all rosy, it may be keeping you from thinking clearly about your future.  This false perception that because things were once good, they can be good again can be destructive.  It is better to make your decisions based on reality and not old memories that are no longer valid. 

Sometimes couples can overcome difficulties in a marriage with the assistance of various professionals – including couples therapists, marital mediation, relationship coaching and through other committed effort by the couple.

In other instances, fear keeps people in unhealthy marriages.  The fear of the unknown, the fear of being alone, the fear of being a single parent all drive people to stay together.   If you allow fear to rule your life and decision-making process, your judgment will become clouded and may prevent you from moving forward in your life. 

Evaluate Your Decision to Stay in a Marriage Based on What Makes You Happy and What is in the Best Interest of Your Children

Of course, there are certain factors that may influence your decision to stay in a marriage or not, however, make sure that you’re making decisions for the right reasons. 

If you have questions about divorce or how to best protect your children during the divorce process, contact Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971.

7 Bad Habits that Can Break a Marriage

January is known as “divorce month”, once the holidays are over and a new year approaches, people are anxious to close bad chapters of their lives.

If you don’t want to end up as a divorce statistic, you need to avoid bad habits that can break a marriage. 

Bad Habits that Can Be Detrimental to Your Marriage

  1. Always having the last word.  If you are trying to win an argument for the sake of winning, know that it may damage your marriage.
  2. Bad or ineffective communication skills.  Good communication skills are essential in life, but even more important in a marriage. If you are no longer communicating openly with your spouse, how can your spouse fix the problem?  
  3. Constantly criticizing.  No one likes to be criticizing all the time; let alone nitpicked about everything.  Try to see the good in situations and your partner instead of seeking the negative. Or try getting curious about the thing that has irked you.  Why did they do what they did? Ask curiousity questions. A positive attitude goes a long way.
  4. Harboring resentment against your spouse.  Resentment can build up and slowly destroy your marriage.  Forgiveness is a huge part of marriage, learn to forgive so you can move forward in a healthy way. Resentment may also be a sign of something you are noticing that is missing from your relationship.  For instance, if you are feeling resentment every time your spouse leaves the home for work, maybe you are missing time with your spouse.  So instead of feeding your resentment toward your spouse, ask your spouse for some alone time together, maybe a “date night”.
  5. Lack of intimacy.   Even with the demands of children, work, and everyday life, it is essential to make time for each other.  It is important to plan dates nights that allow you to have quality, alone time with your spouse without the children around. 
  6. Distracted communication.  Always glued to your computer or cell phone when your spouse is trying to have an important conversation with you can have a negative impact.  Try to give your spouse undivided attention when they are trying to have an important conversation with you. Or even simpler than that, what if you gave your spouse 15 minutes of your full undivided attention every day, what might that do for your relationship?
  7. Being abusive.  Abuse can come in the form of verbal, physical or emotional abuse.  No matter what type of abuse exists in a marriage, it is unacceptable.  Your spouse may tolerate it for the time being, but ultimately, it can put an end to your marriage for good.  If you are the abuser, seek professional help to get to the root of the problem rather than taking it out on your spouse.

Avoid Bad Habits That Can Break a Marriage

If you are on the receiving end of the bad habits, you may have no choice but to consider divorce, or you can explore ways to respond differently to your spouse’ behaviors in a way that will  result in a change in your spouse’s behavior.  If you are curious how you can change your behavior or reaction, or are considering divorce, contact Sabra Law Group for guidance.  You can schedule an appointment with Sabra at (646) 472-7971

Making the Difficult Decision to Divorce in New York

The holidays are finally over.  You have stayed with your spouse for as long as possible for the sake of the children, however, now you are at your all time frustration level.  Making the decision to get divorced is never an easy one, however, you have to evaluate if things may improve or not.

Have you exhausted all options available to you?  Have you tried counseling or a relationship coach? Have you tried to talk to your spouse openly about the things that bother you in your marriage?  Have you tried to move past the betrayal but just can’t seem to forgive?  If you have genuinely tried to make your marriage work but have been unsuccessful, it may be time to consider divorce. 

Even though divorce should always be the last resort, sometimes it is the only way to get your life back.   Furthermore, it may the only way to raise your children in a healthy environment.  It is not in the best interest of the children to be raised in an environment where parents are constantly arguing and fighting. 

When You Are Faced with Making the Difficult Decision to Divorce

Divorce can be very difficult to deal with mentally, emotionally and even physically.  Even though divorce can be extremely stressful there are ways to navigate through it successfully. 

When you change your perspective on divorce, it can change how you react to it.  Try to look at the positives of getting divorced.  Divorce may allow you to get your freedom and voice back.  Furthermore, you may be able to live a happier life without the constant stress of a marriage that is no longer working. 

You Don’t Have to Make an Immediate Decision

Divorce is a lifelong decision so it should be made carefully.   If you are confused about making the decision to divorce in New York, consult a divorce mediation lawyer.   A Manhattan divorce mediation lawyer can answer your questions and explain the divorce process to you.  You should also consider your financial situation and how you will survive financially during and after divorce.  You may also have to make some life changes, such as going back to work full-time or relocating. 

If you have questions about divorce, contact Sabra Law Group today and schedule your appointment with Sabra at (646) 472-7971.

Preparing for Divorce in Manhattan: Know What Steps to Take

Are you preparing for divorce in Manhattan?  Divorce can be an emotional and time-consuming process that requires proper planning and consideration.  Having to deal with a divorce can also be a complicated process.  Use the tips below to plan and prepare for your divorce:


  1. Give your divorce careful consideration before making any final decisions – it is best to make the final decision on divorce when you are calm and can think clearly.  Divorce should not be taken lightly and it is tough to change your mind once your spouse has been served with divorce papers. 
  2. Gather relevant financial documents – make sure you can gather bank statements, any investment account information, any real estate owned, tax returns and any other important financial documents that may be pertinent.
  3. Handle any important business or personal transactions that require spending larger sums of money – if you have equipment that you must purchase for your business or need a new car, it may be more feasible to do this before the divorce as funds may not so readily available during or after the divorce.  This is recommended in the event that one spouse decides to be revengeful and deplete savings or sell the house. 
  4. Discuss the child custody and living arrangements – before filing for divorce, it is a good idea to have a better understanding of what life changes the divorce will bring for you and your children; so it best to discuss where the children will live after the divorce. 
  5. Consult an attorney about child custody matters – it is best to talk to a Manhattan divorce mediation attorney or divorce lawyer who can guide you on difficult custody matters
  6. Gather your support system – going through a divorce is never an easy process so you will need all the support you can get.  Instead of hiding matters from close family and friends, it may help to disclose what you are going through so they can be there for you when you need it the most.  There may be times when you need a babysitter or just someone who can listen and be supportive.


Preparing for Divorce in Manhattan?  Consult a Divorce Mediation Lawyer for Guidance. 


Consult the Sabra Law Group with any questions regarding the divorce process and schedule a confidential consultation by calling (646) 472-7971. 

How to Deal with Stress During a Divorce in New York

There is simply no denying that going through a divorce is one of the most stressful things that a person can face. This tough situation is compounded immensely if you have children involved. One of the simplest ways to get clarity and a sense of peace throughout the process is to involve a professional third party to help you navigate this highly charged experience.

Divorce mediation in New York has become one of the most popular options for couples who are seeking a peaceful and efficient transition into a new phase of their separate lives. This involves having a professional mediator help both sides determine what is the most amicable and fair way to move forward without dragging both parties through a lengthy and exhausting court process. If you have children, divorce mediation in New York allows you to come up with a parenting plan that works for both parties so that a court is not in control of how your children will be parented.

By choosing to navigate the divorce process in the most humane way possible, you will save yourself countless hours of dealing with emotional drain and having to pay thousands of dollars for an expensive court ordeal. Divorce mediation can proceed on your own schedule, which means that you are not at the mercy of the courts in finding out when you can fully move on with the rest of your life. If you have to face a time-consuming lawsuit, then you give up all control over the scheduling of this matter and must wait until the court can fit your case in to find out how you will be moving on. And that can be very stressful and delay the outcome.

Dealing With a Stressful Divorce in New York? 

If you want to get through your divorce in the most responsible and efficient way, seek out an experienced divorce mediator who has helped couples just like you. Call Sabra Sasson Esq. at the Sabra Law Group today at 646-472-7971 to schedule a consultation and to learn more. She will provide valuable insight into the process and tell you exactly how you can get started with creating a new life for yourself as quickly as possible.

How to Determine If You Should Get a Divorce in New York

Couples filing for divorce after the holidays continues to rise.  If you are considering filing for divorce in 2017, do some soul searching and make sure your decision to divorce is not a spontaneous one.  In order to effectively evaluate if divorce is the best option for you, start by asking yourself the below questions:  

  1. Do you still have feelings for your spouse? Some couples say they want to get a divorce, even though they still have feelings for their partner.The reason for wanting a divorce could be due to a lack of intimacy or drifting apart.It is important to get more clarity on your feelings and only then take any action that involves a life-changing decision.
  2. Are you reacting emotionally?Did something happen in your marriage to set you off? If the answer is “yes” it is wise to not make major decisions based only on emotion.Reacting emotionally to an already difficult situation will not help you in resolving the issues that you have with your spouse.
  3. Divorce comes with consequences, are you prepared to handle those consequences? Divorce can bring with it fear, uncertainty, stress, depression, and loneliness.Make sure you have a support system in place if you plan on filing for divorce.
  4. Are you prepared to change your financial situation and current lifestyle? If the answer is “no”, then you are not ready for divorce.
  5. Are you prepared to take full responsibility for taking care of yourself: financially, emotionally, and mentally? Taking responsibility for yourself also means doing what is best for the children and everyone involved in your family.Are you capable of being respectful and understanding of your spouse’s point of view? This will be the true test of handling divorce in a mature way.
  6. Can you pin-point the real reason you want to get divorced? If you can’t determine the root of your desire to get a divorce in New York, then it is not a good idea to rush into divorce.Your reason for wanting a divorce should be clearly defined and if that means evaluating the type of behavior you are willing to put up with or not from your spouse; then by all means set your boundaries.

Need More Info on the Legal Aspects of Getting Divorced in New York?

Contact New York divorce mediation attorney Sabra Sasson today at (646) 472-7971 to get a better understanding of the divorce process and how to best prepare for your situation.

How to Handle Division of Assets in a New York Divorce

How do you deal with the legal aspects of splitting up your assets and most valued possessions?  The decisions are up to the couple, however, if the couple cannot amicably determine how to divide their assets, it may be best to seek the assistance of an experienced divorce mediation attorney.  

A New York divorce mediation attorney can help you resolve complicated issues surrounding your divorce which may ultimately be a good way to avoid court and the high legal fees that coincide with litigation.  

Whether you decide to tackle this matter yourself or seek the counsel of an experienced New York divorce mediation attorney, it may be beneficial to have a basic understanding of where to begin:

  1. Equitable Distribution: is based on many factors such as earnings, age, health, and contributions made and does not necessarily mean an equal division.
  2. Separate & Marital Property: separate property may include real estate, inheritance, heirlooms, and insurance.  Marital property are things or property that were acquired during the marriage.
  3. Personal Property:  consists of clothing, watches, accessories, shoes, and any gifts given to your spouse.  
  4. Electronics: if there are electronics that were shared in the home such as a desktop computer, iPad, or laptop; these items will need to be divided up as well.
  5. Cars/Trucks/Boats: if you owned a car, truck or boat prior to your marriage, it is considered separate property, however, if it was acquired during the marriage the couple must decide who gets what or sell the vehicles and split the proceeds from the sale. It can get complicated if an asset was acquired during the marriage using funds acquired prior to marriage.
  6. Sentimental Value Items:  each person will have items that they have a sentimental value towards.  Whether this includes photographs, fine art, family heirlooms, jewelry, souvenirs or collectibles, the couple will have to determine how to split up these items.  
  7. Home/Condo/Vacation Home: you must collectively decide if you will sell the home and use the money to find a new place to live or if one spouse will continue to live in the home. Other considerations are a buy-out, or division of the proceeds, and tax considerations. Who will be responsible for the mortgage payments also needs to be determined.  When dealing with a vacation home, it might be easier just to sell it and split the proceeds, however, the home (primary residence) that the couple lived in together may be a much more difficult issue to resolve.  

If you are facing a New York divorce, contact an experienced divorce mediation attorney who can help you with handling the entire division of assets process.  You may get a more favorable end result by utilizing the legal expertise of an experienced divorce mediator who has years of experience handling these types of legal matters.

Contact The Sabra Law Group today for a confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971.

How Divorce Can Be Good for Your Health & Well-Being

For many couples who are considering divorce, they are faced with sadness, fear, doubt, uncertainty and even anger. Divorce comes with lots of change and even though change brings fear in many people; it also allows for circumstances to take a turn for the better.  Successfully navigating through difficult times can lead to better results for the future.

It Is Best to End an Unhealthy Marriage

If you are in a marriage that is mentally or physically abusive, it is best to put your health and well-being first.  Be open to ending a marriage that may be causing more heartache and stress then you can handle. 

Consult an experienced divorce attorney who can guide you on how to go about the divorce process and counsel you on staying safe in the process.

In cases where a couple divorces due to abuse in a marriage, the person who was abused has a much better chance for a fresh, new perspective on life.  In fact, it’s hard not to notice a new energy about the person following divorce.

Ending One Chapter in Life Leads You to New Opportunities

Just because you are ending one chapter of your life it does not have to be a negative thing.  The upside of ending one chapter of your life is that you are opening yourself up to have a better life and find happiness in the things that you love. 

Take time for yourself to discover what makes you happy and rediscover yourself.  In a marriage, many couples can lose their sense of individual identity.  After the divorce, it is ok to take the time to be alone and do some soul searching.  Take that vacation you have always wanted to take but never did.  Go on an adventure with your children.  Pursue your dream career or start your own business that you always wished for. 

If you are not sure how divorce can be good for your health and well-being, consult an experienced divorce attorney who has years of experience counseling clients on all aspects of divorce including child support, custody issues, asset division, and separation agreements.   

Get Your Questions Answered About Divorce

Contact The Sabra Law Group today for a confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971.  Ask us if divorce mediation is the right option for your circumstances.

How to Determine if Your Child is Having a Hard Time Dealing with Divorce

Some parents are so caught up in the divorce process and their own sadness that they may tend to overlook the fact that their child is also struggling with the thought of their family being torn apart. 


If your child is old enough to truly understand the meaning of divorce, it is likely that  he or she will not accept this change in family dynamics easily.


Below are some warning signs to be aware of:


  1. Withdrawal: if your child has suddenly lost interest in hanging out with friends or family members that they are normally fond of, this could be a sign that your child is suffering from dealing with the divorce.
  2. Sudden Outbursts: your child has episodes of yelling and screaming that seem to come out of nowhere.  It seems that every little thing now sets  your child off, whereas, in the past your child was easy going and happy-go-lucky. 
  3. Trouble Sleeping: stress can disrupt normal sleeping patterns and it is important to take note if your child is complaining about not being able to sleep at night.
  4. Nightmares: if your child is complaining about nightmares, subconscious fears of loss and abandonment can cause nightmares. 
  5. Harming Oneself: this one can be a cry for help and/or attention. Your child may be trying to tell you that he or she needs more of your time and attention
  6. Grades Start to Drop: if your child normally is a straight “A” student and now is getting “C” grades, this can be an indicator that your child is distracted and not able to focus on school activities. Make sure you attend parent teacher conferences and take the time to ask your child how their day was at school. 


There can be many other symptoms as well, but the above are some of the most common indicators that your child is struggling with the concept of divorce. 


If you are having a hard time dealing with divorce and need legal guidance, contact the Sabra Law  Group today for a confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971. 



Manhattan Mediation Lawyer Discusses Breaking the News of Divorce at Work

So you have come to the realization that divorce is the only option and staying with your spouse is not a viable option. 


With divorce, comes the responsibility of breaking the news to your friends, family, and even your boss or colleagues.  As difficult as it is to break the news to your children for the first time, it is just as difficult to break the news to your boss. 


At work, you may wonder if it is better to keep your divorce quiet until it is final or is it better to disclose what you are going through at the time?


Some Advantages of Telling Your Boss You Are Going Through a Divorce


Divorce is a very personal issue but there are some advantages to telling your boss and perhaps even some co-workers about your situation. 


Divorce may require you to take time off from work or go to appointments during business hours with your divorce mediator or attorney; your boss may be more understanding of your sudden work schedule requests if he/she knows what you are dealing with in your personal life.


You may also want to consider disclosing your divorce to your human resources department as you may be eligible for some extended health benefits such as therapy.  In addition, you may have to soon change your tax exemption status in which case you would have to disclose the information sooner or later. 


It is best to keep the details of your divorce private at work and maintain a professional attitude.   There are colleagues at work that may try to pry into personal details, but it is important to remember that this is professional environment and it is best to keep your personal life – personal. When it makes sense to disclose the information to those that you directly report to it is advisable to do so but keep the conversation to the point. 


Consult a Divorce Mediation Attorney on How to Break the News to Your Boss


Contact the Sabra Law Group today to speak to a Manhattan mediation lawyer who can guide you on dealing with divorce in the workplace at (646) 472-7971.  Divorce mediation can also help you and your spouse resolve difficult issues that arise during a divorce without the expensive cost of litigation.