Divorce in New York City

What To Do When Your Spouse in New York Doesn’t Want a Divorce

What to Do When Your Spouse in New York Doesn't Want a Divorce


Divorce is not always two-sided; sometimes one spouse wants out of the marriage while the other wants to hold on for dear life.  Going through a divorce is challenging enough, but when you couple it with two spouses who want opposite things, it can become a bit stressful. Below are some tips for what to do when your spouse in New York doesn’t want a divorce.


Get to the Bottom of Their “Why” for Wanting to Stay in the Marriage


The first step is to have open communication with your spouse and determine why they are so reluctant to get divorced.  Is it because of the children?  Is it a financial situation?  Are they still madly in love with you?  Is it because divorce in frowned upon in their culture?


Be Prepared to Deal with Their Emotions


Depending on the unique situation of your marriage, your spouse may also exhibit outbursts or anger towards your decision to divorce.  If this does happen, remember to be the better person, and stay, calm, cool and collected.  Try to see their point of view and show empathy if possible. However, be cognizant of if their behavior seems threatening or abusive and seek professional help if you feel unsafe. 


Consider Getting the Assistance of a Divorce Mediation Lawyer in New York City


A skilled New York divorce mediator can help you both come to a mutual understanding regarding your divorce and assist with handling the difficult aspects of divorce.  Call Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971. 


Do Not Feel Guilty for Wanting to Divorce


Just because your spouse does not want a divorce does not mean that you have to feel guilty for wanting one. At the end of the day, you have to do what's best for you, your mental health and peace of mind. If you have been thinking of getting divorced; you probably have a good reason so just remember what that reason is and stay strong.


Come Up With a Plan for How to Get on the Same Page


Even if you have to go to counseling together or retain a divorce mediator, have some type of a plan for how you're going to get on the same page. If your spouse is slow to warm up to the idea of divorce, try to have a weekly conversation with them so that you can try to convince them why divorce is best for everyone involved, including the children.


Are You Having a Challenging Time Getting Divorced in New York


Call Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 to speak to a New York divorce mediation lawyer who has years of experience helping New Yorkers like you come to an amicable resolution regarding divorce.



How to Prepare Your Children for Your Divorce in New York City

How to Prepare Your Children for Your Divorce in New York CityAre you wondering how to prepare your children for divorce in New York City?  Not only is it important to prepare yourself for divorce emotionally, but it is also important to mentally prepare your children.  Your children’s emotional well-being is so important.  Even though divorce is a difficult time to go through, you can come up with a plan to help your children get through it.


Below Are Some Tips for Preparing Your Children for Your Divorce


Be Upfront with Your Children: If your kids are old enough to understand what divorce means, have open communication with them.  Just make sure that you do not go into the “blame game” of blaming your spouse and you don’t have to get into specifics or any details or reasons for the breakup. Your goal should be to inform them of the upcoming changes to the family in a compassionate and thoughtful manner.  If you are unsure of how to broach the subject, speaking with a therapist or divorce coach who can help you find the right words and phrases to use for your child that is age-appropriate.


Come Up with a Consistent Message with Your Spouse About Your Divorce: Sit down with your spouse and come up with a gameplan on how to address your divorce with your children.  Having a consistent message about divorce will help your children feel more secure during this process.


Give Your Children the Ability to Be Involved in Decisions That May Directly Impact Them:

Even though you and your spouse will have the final say when it comes to living arrangements and visitation schedules, try to involve your children by getting their feedback.  Ask them what their preferences are and gauge certain things that may be upsetting to them and prioritize their desires when possible.



Keep Normalcy in Your Children’s Schedules When Possible: It is helpful to keep as much of their schedule the same; especially when it comes to school and extra-curricular activities.  Children need a sense of stability amidst a time when so many changes are happening so quickly.



Allow Them to Go Through Emotions:  Divorce is not just an emotional time for the parents but also for the children involved. Let your children feel comfortable communicating their feelings to you. If they are sad, angry, or distressed, make them feel comfortable to come to you.  Remember to be compassionate and patient with them.  Showing your support will help them get through this difficult time.


Need Help Preparing for Divorce in New York City?


Call Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 to speak to a New York divorce lawyer who can provide guidance on preparing for divorce. 










How to Negotiate the Terms of Your Divorce with Your Spouse in New York

Negotiating Terms of Divorce Divorce in New York can be a complicated process; especially when division of assets, child support, spousal support, and child custody are involved. To effectively negotiate the terms of your divorce with your spouse in New York you must be prepared and have a game plan on how to tackle each aspect of divorce.


Below are 5 Tips on How you Can be Prepared to Negotiate Your Divorce


Tip #1 Be Fully Prepared


Be fully prepared: make sure that you set aside time to find all the appropriate documentation that you will need for your divorce.  This includes personal and business finances, assets, and any real estate that you own together. Gather all bank statements, tax returns, real estate deeds, and any retirement, 401K, IRA and pension account statements, any investment statements such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds as well as any other financial asset documents.


Tip #2 Get the Help of a New York Divorce Mediator


Consult an experienced New York divorce mediator: A New York divorce mediator is familiar with resolving all aspects of your divorce and she can help advise you and facilitate this process.


Tip #3 Know Your Deal Breakers But be Willing to Compromise


Know what your deal breakers are: It is imperative to identify what is most important to you. No one party in a divorce will get everything that they want; so be willing to compromise. Be willing to give up certain things to gain other things that are more important to you.


If you're unclear about what you want out of the divorce, consider consulting a New York divorce mediator who can advise you concerning getting the best outcome for your divorce.


Tip #4 Communicate Openly with Your Spouse


Have open communication with your spouse:  If your spouse is willing to listen make sure that you can set aside time to have a heart-to-heart conversation about what is important to you and get an understanding of what matters most to them.


It is sensible to also be empathetic in your communication and not just demand what you want out of the divorce but also be understanding of what your spouse's needs are.


Tip #5 Consider Mediation or a Collaborative Divorce in New York


Divorce mediation may help you come to an agreement if you're not getting anywhere with your spouse on your own:  you may want to consider retaining the services of a New York divorce mediator who can help you reach a settlement that is fair to both of you.


Realize that a collaborative divorce is also an option: In a collaborative divorce, which is similar to mediation, except that in addition to a mediator, each party also retains a collaborative divorce attorney as well as a neutral financial expert and mental health expert, all of these professionals work together, in collaboration, to help you and your spouse come to an amicable agreement. The advantage of a collaborative divorce is that it can help reduce conflict between both parties and it may help you come to a more feasible and amicable solution faster than in you went to court in a litigated divorce.



Need Help Negotiating the Terms of Your Divorce with Your Spouse in New York City?


Contact Sabra Law Group, a divorce mediation firm in New York that can help you get through the complexities of divorcing in New York.  Call Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971.