Parenting Tips for Quarantined Parents During COVID-19 Pandemic

 Parenting Tips Being a parent is challenging at the best of times, and in recent weeks, parents and kids have been thrown together in unusual circumstances. Adults and children may be having difficulty coping, which means that parenting tips are even more welcome now than ever before.

One of the best pieces of advice for parenting during the quarantine is to create as much stability as possible. For many families, this means establishing daily schedules. This may be critical for fostering a sense of predictability, orderliness, and calm. Stick to scheduled meal times as well as appointed hours for schoolwork, chores, sleep, and recreation. This helps the whole family to remain balanced.

Another helpful parenting tip is to exercise together. Whether it's a walk around the neighborhood, tossing a ball in the yard, or having a dance party, exercise is a fantastic mechanism for coping with stress. It releases positive endorphins, too, which can make everyone feel better and be a little more understanding during a difficult time.

Among the most useful parenting tips is the advice, to be honest with your kids. Without a doubt, they have many tough questions to ask right now. It's perfectly fine to let your kids know that you don't have all the answers. Remember that they are looking to you for information and comfort, so try to soothe their distress while also providing an age-appropriate amount of information.

Younger kids likely will get most of their information from you, but older children may see plenty of news stories and social media postings that may cause distress. Try to limit their access as much as is feasible or try going online together to look for credible sources that are conveying scientific data. If they go online alone, encourage your older kids to discuss the things they read with you.

Try to ensure that everyone in the family is getting at least a little bit of self-care every day. That might be time to read a favorite book, a moment to enjoy a piece of chocolate, a soak in the tub, watching an episode of a funny television show, or anything else that is fun and relaxing. This will go a long way toward keeping tempers cool.

Contact the Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971 for even more parenting tips, especially if you're considering a divorce. Sabra Law Group focuses on mediation and the healthy dissolution of marriage.

You can also download our “Ultimate Parenting During COVID-19 Guide" for immediate tips and parenting resources to help you during this difficult time.

10 Ways to Keep Busy at Home During Stay at Home Orders       

Stay at Home OrdersAt this point, practically the entire nation is on stay at home orders.  Staying at home is a new concept to many people who are so used to being out and about, socializing, going to work and running daily errands. 


There are ways to make your “stay at home” experience a pleasant and productive one.  Being forced to “stay at home” can be a positive experience if you plan for it appropriately.  Spend less time watching the news and more time on things that can help improve you personally, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually.  Furthermore, use this time to connect more often with family and friends. 



Below are 10 Ideas for Things You Can Do While You Are Staying at Home


  1. Board Game Night: think back to the time when you were a little kid and how you enjoyed playing monopoly, cards, or even putting puzzles together.


  1. Movie Night: take a moment to stream a series on Netflix or watch a movie you have been meaning to watch. 


  1. Spring Cleaning: this is the perfect time to start that spring cleaning.  In addition to disinfecting your home, you can also organize your closet and pantry cabinets.  Another idea is to shred old mail and documents that may have piled up.


  1. Read a book:  even if you are not the type of person that likes to pick up an actual book and read it; you can try listening to a book on audible.


  1. Listen to a Podcast:  podcasts are great because they can be educational, entertaining, or inspirational, it all depends on what you are in the mood for.  Listening to a podcast also allows you to multi-task and prepare a meal or handle other chores around the house while you listen to the podcast.



  1. Workout at Home: working out is a great way to relieve stress and release endorphins, and we all know that this is definitely a time filled with uncertainty, anxiety, and stress.  You can download workout apps such as Home Workout, 7-Day Fitness or 30-Day Fitness. If you are not super athletic, then you can try meditation or Yoga:  meditating can be very therapeutic, and yoga is also a great way to bring a form of calmness into your life. 



  1. Go for a Walk: Going for a walk will really depend on your unique situation.  It may be easier to go for a walk when you live in a house vs. a high-rise.  If you live in a high-rise and want to go for a walk, it is best to wear a mask/cloth covering over your face and gloves on your hands.   By multiple people entering elevators, you may be exposed if you fail to protect yourself. If you are able to take a walk, it can be a great way to get some exercise and get some fresh air.


  1. Gardening: it’s a great time to plant some flowers, herbs, and fruits.  Since a lot of us are having to cook, having access to fresh herbs and fruits makes it easy to cook with.


  1. Cooking/Baking: by now, everyone has had to do some form of cooking; even if they previously only ate out.  Try cooking a healthy meal with a new recipe that you have never tried before.  Share your meal on social media or with your friends and also share the recipe with others so that your cooking skills may also benefit them.


  1. Expand Your Skills: use your time wisely to expand your skills by taking online courses or signing up for a challenge.  With the uncertainty of the job market right now, it is imperative to expand your skillset and have a back-up plan.


If the stress of staying at home with your spouse, having to co-work together from home as well as homeschooling the children is too much to handle, consider contacting Sabra Law Group for conflict resolution remote session by calling (646) 472-7971. 





How to Avoid Quarantine Quarrels with Your Mate

Quarantine QuarrelsWhile we all find ourselves practicing “social distancing” and under “stay at home” orders during the COVID19 pandemic, many couples are finding themselves confined to cohabitating in tight spaces 24 hours a day in an apartment, condo or home. 


For many people who normally work from an office, they are not really prepared to suddenly have to work from home.  In addition to suddenly having to work from home when your mate is there 24/7 as well as your kids, inevitably tensions will rise and “quarantine quarrels” to occur!  So, how can you manage to juggle this new way of life and avoid “quarantine quarrels” with your mate?


Follow the Tips Below to Avoid Quarantine Quarrels with Your Mate


  1. Designate a separate room to work in, if you can.  If you don’t have access to an additional room, then designate one particular area in your apartment or house to work from.  One thing that will drive your mate crazy is if you are all over the house on a work call and this prevents them from being able to use the kitchen or watch tv or work on your own business/job.  Please be respectful of your mate and limit working to your own area and clean up after yourself.


  1. It is imperative to set boundaries with your children and your mate.  You must make it clear that just because you are home does not mean you are available for constant interruptions throughout the day.  Instead, set up certain times during the day when your family knows that they can talk to you whether it be during your lunch break, afternoon break or after you are done with your workday.


  1. Agree to disagree with each other.  Realize that you will not agree with everything…and that is okay.  Instead of turning disagreements into full-blown arguments, agree that your mate is entitled to his/her opinion and you are entitled to your own.


  1. Take time out for self-care.  At a time like this, it is very important to take care of yourself and make time for the things that help you unwind and relax.  Whether that means getting out of the house and taking a walk or connecting with your friends via Zoom for a virtual happy hour or having a spa day at home – do it!


  1. If you do get into an argument, do not immediately resort to saying hurtful things that you will regret later; instead, take a moment to calmly collect your thoughts before responding.   By doing this, it will allow you to not make any rash decisions while you are in the heat of the moment. It is even okay to say, “can we continue this conversation” after work hours (which hopefully will allow both parties to calm down).


If this quarantine has pushed you to your limits and you have realized that you may need professional assistance, contact Sabra Law Group to schedule a remote conflict resolution appointment by calling (646) 472-7971. 








COVID-19 Will Impact How Attorneys and Courts Handle Business in New York

Courts During COVID-19COVID-19 has turned life upside down in the U.S. and around the world. With all of the upheaval and uncertainty, everyday concerns tend to get lost in the shuffle. Still, for those families who are dealing with life's major events like marriage, divorce, custody, and visitation, it can be especially hard to know what to do.

Fortunately, attorneys and courts in New York are taking steps to ensure that essential functions continue to operate as normally as possible. In-person meetings may not be available, but most lawyers and even some courts are conducting virtual meetings and proceedings to ensure that important matters do not get overlooked or forgotten.

Getting married has gotten more complicated, but that doesn't necessarily make it impossible. If a couple already has their license, it is still possible to proceed with the ceremony. However, the size of the gathering will be severely limited, and some couples are opting to have their guests attend virtually.

Postponing the event also is a possibility. If you have already signed contracts with vendors and venues, then it may be worth consulting with an attorney to determine what kind of latitude your existing contract grants.

What if you just got engaged and you want to enter into a prenup? Your attorney can meet with you on the phone or virtually to discuss the terms of the agreement, and a draft can be forwarded to you via email for review. It's even possible to execute a prenuptial agreement during the quarantine, as these documents can be signed with virtual notaries in New York State.

Questions of child custody and visitation are already complex, but COVID-19 has only made things worse. Fortunately, jurisdictions such as New York City are now using virtual operations to conduct family court proceedings. This means that critical decisions can still be rendered.

What if your child is quarantined in the custodial parent's home? Or while in the non-custodial parent’s care and custody? How will you, as co-parents, navigate this new temporary world we are all living in?  While each parent has custodial, access and visitation rights, the courts cannot compel the other parent to allow you (if you are not the one in quarantine) into their home. What alternative arrangements can you both make to accommodate the need of the child to have time with both parents?  Consider additional contact through telephone and video chat applications such as FaceTime and WhatsApp.  When you cannot work it out together, consult with a family law attorney who can provide you with the information that you need so that you can maintain contact with your children.

Contact the Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971 for more information about how attorneys and courts in New York are reacting to the Coronavirus pandemic.


How to Cope With Staying Together Because of COVID-19

Staying Together COVID-19 is forcing families around the world to change their definition of "togetherness." This concept is one that can be particularly challenging if it comes at a moment when spouses are considering ending their relationship or if a divorce is already in process.


However, staying together, even on a temporary basis, doesn't have to be a source of constant frustration. It's wise to instead focus on a few key tenets that can help to bring a more harmonious atmosphere into any home.


Keep Family Members Safe

Did you or an immediate family member recently travel to a place where Coronavirus is prevalent? Or, has one of your family members been exposed to a local case?


If so, then it's wise to take self-quarantine precautions. These include frequent handwashing, not using the same towels and utensils, not having visitors and staying at home. Ideally, self-quarantine also means not getting closer than six feet to any household member.


Stay in Touch with Matriarchs and Patriarchs


Sometimes, staying together doesn't involve in-person contact. Since the older members of society are particularly vulnerable to developing serious cases of COVID-19, it's vital to stay in touch with them. This means calling them on the phone, enjoying an online video chat or sending an email. If they need food or other supplies, offer to shop for them, then drop the groceries on their driveway or doorstep so as to avoid personal contact.


Remember that Family Is Forever


While this challenging time is temporary, it's critical to remember that family is forever. That is true even for families who are contemplating or going through a divorce.


The ties that you have forged with each other and your children are things that endure through pandemics and tragedies of all descriptions. When tempers get short, recall these long-term ties and how everyone in your family will benefit from nurturing and caring for these connections.


Find Activities for the Whole Family


By engaging the whole family in activities like a jigsaw puzzle or a board game, you create opportunities to learn more about each other and to cultivate a deeper appreciation for each member of the family. Table Topics is a particularly thought-provoking and fascinating game, and everyone loves a rousing game of Pictionary.


The COVID-19 pandemic will eventually subside. If you decide that staying together after this time is not feasible, then contact the Sabra Law Group at 646-472-7971 to schedule your phone or video conference consultation.