Tag Archives: Bringing up the prenup conversation
How to Bring Up the Delicate Topic of a Prenup to Your Fiancée
According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, more couples than ever before are signing a prenup before they say, "I do." Despite this prevalence, prenuptial agreements remain a touchy subject. Some people just feel that … Continue reading
How Prenups Can Be Quite Revealing About Your Future Mate
Some people are shocked when their intended spouse suggests that they enter into a prenuptial agreement. They may think that the only people who get prenups are the ones who don't have much faith in their relationship. The reverse typically … Continue reading
What to Do When Your Fiancée is Against a Prenup
It's becoming more common for one partner in a romantic relationship to ask for a prenuptial agreement before saying "I do." Unfortunately, the other partner frequently is blindsided by the request. They may panic and wonder if their partner has … Continue reading