Who Initiates Divorce More: Men or Women?

initiates divorce The correct answer is that women initiate divorce more than men.  In fact, according to a study conducted by the American Sociological Association, they found that women initiate 69% of divorces. 


Another interesting fact is that about 90% of divorces are initiated by college-educated women.   Times have changed and more and more women will not tolerate staying in a marriage that they are unhappy in.  A lot of women also have their own careers, which makes it easier to leave a marriage than if they were solely dependent on their husband financially. 


One of the most common reasons women file for divorce is infidelity.  In some cases, it may be the woman who cheated on her husband.  Many times, there may be an underlying reason for the infidelity.  Was there a breakdown in the marriage?  Whether it was a communication breakdown or an issue of disrespect, or one of many other issues, it is helpful to know what caused your spouse to cheat on you.  


Other reasons women file for divorce is feeling lonely in their marriage, an abusive husband, a husband that is a work-a-holic, or simply growing apart and not seeing eye to eye on anything. 


Financial stress can also lead to divorce.   If only one spouse is financially contributing to the household, they may feel overburdened with the finances to support the family. In addition, when a spouse does not recognize the efforts of the other spouse who is contributing to the marriage in non-financial ways this can lead to resentment and develop into anger. Lack of communication regarding spending and budgeting can cause a financial burden and stress the marriage.


Sometimes, men do not realize there is a problem in their marriage until their wife points it out.  Men and women have different ways of comprehending information.  This is why clearly communicating what is acceptable to you or not in a marriage is important to disclose from the very beginning. 


By openly communicating with your spouse, it may prevent you from making the same mistakes in the future.  In fact, you may even learn something that could salvage your marriage.


Why Do Men Avoid Initiating Divorce as Much as Women?


Men are scared that a divorce may lead to financial destruction and that they may be left with an almost empty bank account.  Some men choose to stay in a marriage because they feel it would cost them way too much to get out of the marriage.  Furthermore, men are just as scared of losing custody of their children as women are. 


Are You Thinking of Filing for Divorce?


Consult an experienced New York Divorce Attorney for guidance on the divorce process in New York.  Contact Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 to schedule a confidential consultation.



Source: American Sociological Association


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