Ideal Questions to Ask Your Partner before Saying “I Do”
With ideas about beautiful dresses, elegant reception sites and fantastic honeymoons, it can be easy to overlook the practical considerations of marriage. However, as unromantic as it may seem, marriage is a contractual relationship between two people and has significant financial benefits and obligations that are created automatically upon marriage. As such, decisions that each makes can affect the marital unit. Here are a few questions to ask your partner before you say “I Do.”
What Are Your Dreams and Plans for the Future?
Being clear about your individual and marital goals, discussing them and getting “on board” in support of them before you get married can help lay the foundation for cooperation and positive communication.
Do You Want Children?
The answer to this question is often a deal-breaker for many. If you want kids and your partner does not, you have a problem. The reverse is also true. You should have a clear idea of the answer to this question and whether there is any potential flexibility. If you both want children, it is important to determine how you plan to raise them, what religion you will raise them as and whether either parent will sacrifice career ambitions to stay home with the children. If you don’t discuss this before getting married, you may find yourself having tough conversations during a later pregnancy, which may have unintended consequences upon the pregnancy and subsequent birth.
What Is Your Money Management Style?
Many divorces occur because of differences in managing money. Before you get married, discuss your financial obligations, incomes, assets and liabilities. Some couples even disclose credit scores and money management styles. This is mandatory if you plan on getting a prenuptial agreement. While many people are uncomfortable talking about financial matters, it can be exciting to explore the options that the two of you may have once you join together after marriage.
What Is Your Retirement Plan?
Ideally, your marriage will last for the rest of your life. As such, it is important that you each know how you plan on spending the last chapter of your lives together. Someone who plans on retiring early may cause an issue for the other spouse if he or she has to continue working. For example, if you plan on having a baby with your spouse in a few years and he or she wants to quit working to care for the baby and enter early retirement, how will this affect your financial outlook? Do you plan to continue to reside where you currently are living or might you consider relocating? Do you plan to travel?
These questions are merely starter questions to consider before making the official decision to tie the knot. Getting married is exciting, it is also a big responsibility. You wouldn’t buy a car without researching the mechanical and safety standards as well as having car insurance in place, why would you make a lifetime decision without considering all of the relevant factors such as compatibility, financial, and health in addition to the romance part.
If you would like to learn more about the kinds of questions and conversations to have with your significant other before saying “I do” or if you know that a prenuptial agreement is right for you, then contact an attorney at 646-472-7971 now.