Consider a Prenup While Celebrating Love This Valentine’s Day

Prenup in New York In the heady first weeks and months of a romance, it's easy to have blind faith in love with your chosen partner. Falling in love and discussing the exciting details of your future together is a lot of fun.  It may never occur to you that someday you might need mediation in New York as you negotiate a painful divorce.  

None of this is meant to discourage you from celebrating love this Valentine's Day. On the contrary, love can be one of life's most fascinating, meaningful and rewarding journeys. It is the foundation upon which new families are built, and it has the power to utterly change your life. 

Nonetheless, life is a difficult and ever-changing process. Individuals change with it. In some cases, the two people who make a marriage are able to accommodate and adapt to the changes in the other, but this is not possible in all situations. Love can keep people together regardless of life’s ups and downs.  For others, the unromantic parts of marriage and life, in general, can sabotage and destroy what was a loving partnership.

When things begin to go wrong in a marriage or long-term partnership, things can deteriorate quickly. What used to feel like a blessed and magical union now is fraught with pain, anger, and frustration. Couples who used to agree about most things now fight over inconsequential matters, and when it comes to bigger things like assets and property, it's not unusual for both of the former partners to vow to fight to the death to see things distributed their way. 

Is there anything that couples can do today so that they can sustain a life-long and everlasting romance that withstands the tests of time?

The more authentic and upfront you are about your intentions and visions of a future together, the more likely it is to create the foundation for a lasting marriage. Even though we want to believe that “love is all you need” and “all you need is love” to have an enduring and lasting marriage, it is essential to have open and honest communication about all aspects of your marriage.  One of the vehicles that can help couples to create the right foundation for such communication is through pre-marriage meetings and consultations with clergy or other professionals.  Another vehicle is a rational, well-thought-out prenuptial agreement whereby you can talk about and discuss how you will manage your finances together.

Many couples have the misconception that by simply maintaining all of their financial accounts separately, that the other spouse cannot make any claims to it in the event the relationship doesn’t work out.

That’s why talking with an experienced prenuptial attorney in your state can help you create the right plan for you and the future family you plan to create, and it will become the blueprint making it possible to have a cleaner, less painful break -up in the future. 

Prenups can be as complex or as straightforward as the parties wish. Those with considerable assets or business interests will want to ensure that these are protected, and people who have children from prior relationships may want to guarantee that their children receive proper consideration and care regardless of what happens in the future. 

It may even be possible to include agreements to deal with one another amicably in a mediation in New York in the event the couple decides to separate. Mediation is the low-cost, less acrimonious process by which many decisions pertaining to divorce may be made. Mediation is one way to demonstrate love and respect for your entire family during a particularly difficult time so that you all may begin healing sooner. 

Consider a Prenup to Protect You, Your Partner and Your Future

If you are celebrating love this Valentine's Day by getting engaged, while your heart may be in the clouds, don't lose your head too. A sensible prenup protects you, your partner and any children that you may have. Contact the Sabra Law Group at 646-472-7971 to discover your options.

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