5 Reasons Why People Fear Getting Divorced in New York City

Getting divorced in New YorkDivorce, by nature, is a scary experience to go through; however, there are some very valid reasons why some people fear getting divorced in New York City. And it's not that they fear getting divorced in New York; it's the divorce that they fear.


The Unknown Can be Quite Frightening


Not knowing where you're going to live, not knowing how you're going to financially support yourself, not knowing if you'll be able to take care of your children in the same way that they were accustomed to before the divorce can be frightening.


Not Being Financially Prepared for Divorce or Financially Independent


Another reason that some people are scared to get divorced in New York is that they may not be financially prepared for divorce. This could mean that their spouse was the breadwinner while they stayed home and took care of the kids. Therefore, they do not have a source of income coming in. So, now having to rely on child support alone can induce fear in even the most confident person. Not being financially prepared for divorce can instill some fears around the ability to take care of themselves and their children.


Keep in mind that even though divorce is scary is not to suggest staying in a bad marriage just because of financial reasons.  There are many ways to get the support that you need. Don't be afraid to ask friends and family to help you take care of the children while you go to job interviews, or are working on starting a new business.


The Fear of Not Finding Someone to Replace Your Spouse


This can also be known as the fear of ending up alone.  Even if you're going to be alone for a while after divorce that does not mean you're going to be single and alone forever. In fact, it is important to take time to heal from a divorce before jumping into a serious relationship too quickly. Remember to be confident in who you are and what you stand for and don't deviate from your values just because you're feeling undervalued.


Do You Fear Being Judged by Your Friends and Family?


In certain cultures, divorce is frowned upon, and family members may not approve of your divorce. However, it is imperative to keep in mind that it is your life, not theirs and you have to do what is best for your mental health and for your children. As far as your friends go it is not their place to judge your life because they cannot truly understand the dynamics of your marriage.


Fear of How Divorce Will Impact Your Children


How divorce will impact your children is definitely a valid concern. Even though divorce may impact your children in the short run, ultimately, you have to do what is best for their future. If you strongly believe that you can provide a healthier environment for them, then that is all that matters.


Considering Getting Divorce in New York?


Call Sabra Law Group today to speak to a New York divorce attorney and mediator who can assist you.  Call today at 646-472-7971.





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