3 Tactics Your Manipulative Spouse May Use During the Divorce Process in New York

3 Tactics Your Manipulative Spouse May Use During the Divorce Process in New YorkDo you have a manipulative ex? Learn how to outsmart your spouse by knowing the tactics that they may use during the divorce process in New York. 


If you're soon to be ex-spouse is a master manipulator or a narcissist by nature, they are not going to let you get off the hook so easily when it comes to divorce.


In fact, they may try to make things very difficult for you and if you can identify when they are resorting to manipulation; you might be better equipped to handle them.


Below Are 3 Tactics to Recognize When Your Spouse is Being Manipulative During the Divorce Process


They May Delay the Divorce Process:


One way to delay the divorce process is they may fail to show up at hearings or not sign important documentation on time.


They may even change their mind during important negotiations just to not come to a resolution so that the divorce process can be dragged on as long as possible.


It is important to know that your spouse is doing this because they want to tear you down emotionally and financially, and they think that you're going to give up easily.  They want to believe that you will accept anything just to get over the divorce process.  


The best way to deal with this is to have your lawyer handle your difficult spouse. An experienced New York divorce lawyer can help sort through difficult issues with your soon-to-be ex.


They May Lie About Their Income


Your spouse may try to manipulate the court and make it look like they earn less money than they do to avoid paying alimony or child support.


Tip: even though lying to the court is illegal; you're going to have to prove that your ex makes more income than they are disclosing publicly. It is advisable to gather all important bank statements and documentation that you can get your hands on and share them with your divorce attorney.


Your Spouse May Try to Hurry the Divorce Process Along


If your spouse is rushing the divorce process it is highly likely that they want to get out of the marriage as soon as possible. Perhaps they have been cheating on you and they want to pay as little as possible for the divorce settlement. They believe that the sooner you sign, the sooner it's resolved, and they can move on with their life.  


You deserve to get the best settlement possible and should not rush through the divorce process just because your ex is pushing you. One way to ensure that you get the settlement that you deserve is to hire an experienced New York divorce attorney who can negotiate on your behalf.


Need Help Dealing with a Manipulative and Narcissistic Spouse?


Contact Sabra Law Group today to request a confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971.  Sabra Law Group can help guide you through the divorce process and aid with difficult situations that arise with your ex. 












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