There is a Way to Have a Simpler Divorce in New York

simpler divorce in New YorkHow long does it take to get divorced? If you follow celebrity gossip, then you may have the impression that getting divorced requires months, if not years, of legal wrangling.

At the end of the process, both parties are physically, emotionally, and financially exhausted.

Unfortunately, it's not only celebrities who get stuck in a seemingly endless and painful divorce process. It also happens to ordinary families.

This is always sad because it is possible to get a simpler divorce in New York. In fact, an easier divorce process is available to anyone, and it can be achieved through mediation.

It isn't necessary to be rich or perfect to take advantage of mediation. All that's needed is the right mindset.

This means focusing on the things that really matter. For you, that may be the well-being of your children or your own personal health. Perhaps you're choosing to turn your thoughts to a brighter future in a new city or with a new career or by furthering your education.

Whatever your priorities are, it's worthwhile to focus on these healthy, hopeful things rather than looking back at the past and staying mired in the disagreements and arguments of yesterday.

This gives you all of the incentive that you need to enter mediation with the right mindset. When your focus is on your family's well-being and the future, you'll find that you're more willing to compromise, negotiate, and get creative when it comes to settling your divorce.

Accordingly, you'll be less likely to insist on litigation or asking a judge to decide important, private matters on your behalf. This is the key to having a simpler divorce in New York. You will not only forego numerous court dates, each of which may be scheduled months apart but also have a personal hand in critical decisions relating to child custody and support as well as the division of assets.

Moreover, mediation is the far less expensive way to approach divorce. With fewer court dates, fewer court filings, and less time spent with an attorney, more of your family's assets will remain intact so that you can use them to improve your future.

With all of these positive things to recommend it, why wouldn't you choose to mediate your divorce?

If you would like to learn more about how to get a simpler divorce in New York, contact the Sabra Law Group at 646-472-7971.






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