Why Divorce Mediation is a Better Option Than Litigation

Manhattan Divorce Mediation Lawyer








When contemplating divorce, many people envision themselves enduring contentious courtroom proceedings. While some portions of the divorce process do take place in the courtroom, this does not have to be true for all of the proceedings.

Divorce mediation is a more amicable and creative method for settling disputes in a marriage dissolution, and it has numerous benefits when compared to litigating every issue in the split.

For instance, mediation gives the divorcing couple more control over the proceedings and the outcome of the divorce. Rather than having important decisions dictated by a judge, the couple can work together, with an impartial mediator, to resolve even the thorniest questions in their divorce.

Moreover, the collaborative process of mediation may help the couple to improve their communication skills. Since they may need to continue to work together for some years after their divorce is finalized, this improvement may smooth the way for future interactions. Having learned that they can talk to each other and reach mutually beneficial decisions in a more harmonious and less contentious way, the couple may use the newly acquired communication skills for years to come.

When children are involved, mediation is nearly always a desirable alternative to litigation. Divorce is most painful for kids no matter which method of divorce, so it's in your children’s best interest to resolve the dissolution quickly, amicably and with as little disruption to their lives as possible. Plus, knowing that their parents can work together sets a wonderful example for children and their future relationships.

It's also worth noting that mediation tends to be less expensive than litigation. Filing numerous motions, making court appearances and dealing with all related issues in a contentious battle can mean that legal bills quickly climb. Since divorce mediation helps to avoid the filing of some motions and making court appearances, costs are kept to a minimum.

More couples also are choosing mediation because the proceedings are private. Motions that are filed with the court may become a matter of public record. However, the mediation sessions and the discussions that take place during them are utterly private. While some of the decisions made will result in court filings, the negotiation process and a great deal of sensitive information never needs to be revealed.

If you are interested in knowing more about how divorce mediation is a healthy alternative for every member of the family and how you can get a harmonious divorce, call the Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971. The many years and extensive mediation experience makes these legal professionals well-suited to guide you through the process efficiently, painlessly and cost-effectively.


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