Why Divorce Can Be a Win-Win for Both Parties

DIvorce can be a win-winDivorce has a reputation for being an acrimonious and litigious process. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way. With mediation in New York, divorce can be a win-win.

That may be difficult to believe. Anger, sadness, and confusion can make a divorce feel like a never-ending battle. If both of the parties can shift their focus to an outcome that is positive for everyone involved, then they may discover that their thought processes become more rational. Instead of becoming mired in the turmoil of the present, they begin to see a future in which both former partners and their children are flourishing.

Deciding to litigate a divorce frequently leads to increased rancor. Unfortunately, many people believe that the courtroom is the only place to decide issues like spousal support, child support, and child custody. Divorce can be a win-win when couples choose mediation in New York instead.

Mediation is a collaborative process that has spouses working together to resolve issues in a constructive manner. This makes the process far less emotionally draining on the former partners and their children.

A trained mediator listens to the viewpoints of both parties on each issue. And the mediator helps the parties to hear and understand each side’s perspective and facilitates a conversation so that they can reach decisions on each of the issues that are acceptable to everyone. It is rewarding and helpful for the family to feel that they have a voice and that they are being heard. The mediation process even lets each partner actively participate in making decisions. This is a vast improvement over having a judge dictate decisions with which neither party may agree.

Through the mediation process, divorcing couples may learn more effective communication techniques that will serve them in the coming years, particularly if a relationship must be maintained for the sake of any shared children. It's valuable to know that even at an emotionally difficult time it is possible to work together to find common-sense solutions. 

Just as importantly, divorce resolutions can be reached in far less time than litigation requires. This makes it possible for everyone to begin focusing on their new lives much sooner, and that's a win-win for the whole family as it allows for faster healing.

If you would like to learn more about how divorce can be a win-win with mediation in New York, contact the Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971. A collaborative process will put your family on the path to healing.


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