How to Recover from Divorce and Get Healthy Again

Recover From Divorce and Get HealthyDivorce can take a serious toll on your emotional, physical and spiritual health.  In some cases, divorce is mutual and it doesn’t come as a complete shock.  In other cases, divorce can come as a complete shock and leave you devastated.    


It is much easier to absorb the news of divorce when you know that your marriage has been in trouble for years, however, when divorce comes out of nowhere; it is very difficult to take in and recover.


Here are some tips below to help you get back to normal and feel healthy again, both emotionally and physically.


  1. Maintain Healthy Eating Habits:  Make sure you are eating breakfast every morning.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day that fuels your energy.  Do not skip meals because you are trying to lose weight or too busy to eat.  Be cognizant about the type of food you consume and do not resort to fast food just because you don’t have time to cook.  There are many pick up and go healthy options at local grocery stores and prepared meal stores.


  1. Drink Plenty of Water and Fluids:  Water is essential for physiologic health.  It also helps aid digestion.  You can also try coconut water that has electrolytes and potassium.  It you do not like drinking plain water, consider making a pitcher of fruit infused water. You can experiment with lemons, oranges, cucumbers, strawberries or other flavorful fruits.


  1. Get Enough Sleep:  You probably have a good idea of what your body requires in terms of sleep.  Some people can get by on 4-6 hours of sleep, whereas; others need 6-8 hours at a minimum.  One pattern you want to avoid is oversleeping as that can leave you feeling sluggish and tired.


  1. Try Meditation or Yoga: Because dealing with divorce is highly stressful, incorporating physical activities that can help you de-stress and maintain inner peace will be helpful and comforting.  For instance, try meditating once or twice a day for a few minutes.  You can try the Headspace app or Calm app to help guide you through relaxation and meditation. 


  1. Exercise:  Exercising means different things for different people.  Depending on what type of exercise you prefer, there are many options available.  You can try walking, jogging, bicycling, going to the gym, taking a dance class, or even kick-boxing.


If you are in the beginning stages of divorce, contact Sabra Divorce Mediation for assistance with your divorce process at (646) 472-7971

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