How to Have a Happy Holiday Season After Divorce

The holidays are stressful enough, and when divorce gets added to the equation, it increases stress.   Regardless of the timing of your divorce, there is never an ideal time for divorce.  This is especially true when you have to break the news of divorce to your children. 

If your divorce was recently finalized or if you are in the process of a divorce, this may be your first holiday season apart.  For your children, there will be an adjustment period.  Children look forwards to spending special occasions and holidays with both of their parents. 

Even though your children cannot be in two places at the same time, there are some tips to ease the pain.   Follow the suggestions below for a merrier holiday season:

  1. Plan Something New & Exciting: Children may be accustomed to traditions from the past.  Create new traditions that can make their holiday season a happy and memorable one.  Ask them to make a list of 5 things they have been meaning to do or try but haven’t yet.  Once you have the list, you can plan a surprise for them and build some new, beautiful memories together.
  2. Make Time to Talk to Your Children:  This means to make time to really discuss their feelings and ask them (if they are old enough) how they are coping with the pressure of everything.  Children have their own set of stress at school.  Your children may be dealing with bullying, peer pressure, or having issues with their grades.  By showing them that you are there to listen to them and support them, it may help them open up about their feelings about the divorce as well.
  3. Respect Your Children’s Wishes:  If your children really want to spend time with your former spouse, do not deprive them of that.  Remember to always put the best interest of your children first. You can always a find a way to effectively co-parent if you work together instead of against each other.  It is essential to remember that the more accommodating you are, the easier the custody process will be.

You Can Have a Happy Holiday Season After Divorce

If you or someone you know is facing divorce and needs assistance with a parenting plan or divorce mediation, Sabra’s Divorce Mediation process can help.  Contact Sabra Law Group today for to schedule your confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971.

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