How to Speed Up the Divorce Process in New York

The time has come and you are ready to get this divorce chapter of your life over so that you can move on and have a fresh start; the only issue is that you have witnessed many friends’ divorces in New York get dragged on needlessly.   Learn how to avoid making the same mistakes they did by following the five tips below. 


Here Are Some Tips to Avoid a Lengthy Divorce Process in New York:


  1. Identify agreement: Try to come to some amicable and agreeable decisions with your spouse about important matters such as joint custody, asset division, and if you will sell the marital home or not.  
  2. Be reasonable:  If you want your divorce to settle quickly, the more reasonable you are, the faster the process will go; unless your spouse is the one being unreasonable, then you will have to manage that part strategically.
  3. Litigation vs. Divorce Mediation: If you and your spouse decide to take your issues to court, you can definitely plan for a longer divorce process unless you retain an experienced divorce mediator who can help you settle your issues outside of court.   Divorce mediation is also a more cost-effective option if you are looking to keep your divorce costs to a minimum.  Stress is also minimized in comparison to litigation. 
  4. Make a wish list:  Make a wish list and ask your spouse to make one as well.   Evaluate the list and gauge if there is room for negotiating based on what is important to your spouse.  If you give your spouse what they want the most, they are more likely to reciprocate.
  5. Agree to disagree:  Realize that you and your spouse will not agree on everything and that is ok.  At some point, it is best to come to the conclusion that it is ok to disagree and that you will not see eye to eye on every matter.


Consult a Mediation Attorney to See If They Can Help You Expedite Your Divorce Process


Even if you are convinced you want to handle your divorce yourself or that you want to litigate it; be open minded to explore other options.   Consult an experienced New Your divorce mediator who can determine if there is a way to expedite your divorce and what actions you need to take to have the best outcome for your divorce.


Contact The Sabra Law Group today at (646) 472-7971 to learn more about the divorce process and how to speed up the divorce process in New York. 

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