How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation in Manhattan

Divorce Mediation in Manhattan


The decision to divorce is one that no one makes lightly. Once that decision is made, there is a myriad of other issues that must be resolved. Divorce mediation in Manhattan is a reliable, non-adversarial, cost-effective method of settling many of these issues.

Mediation is not a familiar process for many people. This unfamiliarity makes it difficult to know how to prepare for divorce mediation in Manhattan. Use these tips as a helpful guide.

1. Consider Your Readiness to Divorce

When considering divorce, or when your spouse has asked for a divorce, ask yourself whether you are ready to face the issues of getting divorced.  Dealing with divorce is another issue addressed below, but being ready to do some research (whether on your own or with the assistance of a professional) and learn the facts and realities can be challenging for many.  Unfortunately, for some who take too long to “ready” themselves, they may find themselves in a legal court battle.  So, if you could get ready and be prepared to do what it takes and make the important decisions in your divorce, when could you be ready and what will it take to get to that point?  Can you sit in the same room as your spouse and muster up the courage and fortitude to talk about the tough issues and participate in the outcome?

2.  Do Some Financial Homework

Some of the most difficult divorce issues relate to the assets and debts that are acquired during the marriage. Deciding who should get what is rarely easy. Mediation eases the way as long as the participants do their homework. Make comprehensive lists of all assets and debts that you are aware of. This information will be necessary later when it's time to fill out the dissolution papers, so this is a helpful head start. This also lets you know where you stand financially so that you can better define your mediation goals.

3. Set Specific Goals

Spend some time reflecting on what you want your life to look like after your divorce is final. This helps you decide which of the assets that you listed above you can't live without, those that you would like to keep and the ones that you're willing to let go. It's important to realize that mediation isn't an all or nothing proposition. It's a negotiation, and that means that you have to be prepared to sacrifice something if it means that you'll get to keep something else. Your spouse will have to do the same.  It is also important to do this thinking for yourself and not comparing yourself to what others might have done or what others may have gotten in their divorce.  Each situation is factually different and comparing yours to someone else will not be helpful, and could actually be destructive.

4. Consider the Welfare of Your Children

If you have minor children, then the mediation process is likely to be much easier on them than going to court. Still, you'll have to make some tough decisions regarding custody and child support. Once again, it may be helpful to make lists about what would be ideal for your children, but leave plenty of wiggle room for negotiations.

5. Control Your Emotions

Mediation doesn't work when the participants are angry and trying to hurt each other. Join a support group, lean on family or see a therapist before your mediation session to make sure that your emotions are under control so you can be clear and calm during the mediation process. Start creating a strong support system around you, so that you can go to them for emotional support when things get tough. 

Contact Sabra Law Group today at 646-472-7971 to learn more about divorce mediation in Manhattan.

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