Choosing a New York Prenup Attorney

Setting up a New York prenuptial agreement is a very wise move, but it may be difficult to do without legal help.  Hiring a specialized attorney to help you draft a prenup agreement can help ensure that finances are kept separate, children from previous relationships are taken care of, property rights are established in case of divorce, and financial responsibilities are clearly outlined.  Though you and your partner may be able to reach compromises and agreements on these issues without the use of outside aid, getting a lawyer involved who is familiar with the law in your area and can ensure your agreement’s enforceability, will protect against a future attempt to invalidate your prenuptial agreement.  Though a prenuptial lawyer is not necessarily a legal requirement, hiring an attorney to look out for your best interests and advise you about the agreements that you make will further strengthen and enhance the enforceability of the agreement.   

When you are looking for a prenuptial agreement attorney, make sure that you understand how your attorney can assist and guide you and be clear about the decisions you may need to make and how you will make them.  It could be helpful to write up a list of “must haves” with your partner before meeting with a lawyer to make it clear what you and your partner have in mind.  Remember that laws regarding marriage contracts do vary from state to state, and your lawyer will best be able to assist you in creating an agreement that will meet you and your partner’s needs and address your concerns if you and are clear about the things you want and don’t want. 

A New York prenuptial attorney will be able to help you decode and understand the specific marriage contract laws of New York.  If you do not have any legal background, having a prenup lawyer can be very helpful; they have a much more profound understanding of the laws than the average person would.  It may take some time and effort to find the best lawyer for your needs, but ultimately it is well worth the search.

Sabra Sasson is a prenuptial attorney who has been drafting and writing Prenup agreements for nearly a decade.   She is sensitive to the needs of her clients as well as the timing before marriage to draft, negotiate and get the agreement signed so that the couple can enjoy their big day.   Visit the Firm’s website at to learn more and contact the office now at 646-472-7971 to get started.

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