What to Do When Divorce is Not an Option in New York

What to Do When Divorce is Not an Option in New YorkWhile there are many New Yorkers who decide to get divorced and can do so; not everyone has the liberty to do so. The reason for divorce not being an option for everyone can range from poor finances to even their cultural upbringing. Let's consider some reasons why divorce may not be an option for some New York married couples.


Four Reasons Why Divorce May Not Be an Option for Some Married Couples


In some cultures, divorce is frowned upon, and divorce is not acceptable by their culture or their family. This can leave one feeling trapped and unhappy. Ultimately, you have to make the final decision on what is best for you and your children.  It may take some time to come to terms with what the right decision is; but know that you can seek professional help if needed from a marriage counselor or therapist.


The other reason and this one is most common is due to not being financially independent. If finances are already an issue in the marriage; getting divorced will only exemplify the money problems.


When couples are divorcing it usually means that they will have to have separate households and that means paying two mortgages or two rents. It also means that before, if they were sharing a car now they may have to have two separate cars for transportation.


If your reasons for not being able to divorce are due to finances, there is hope that your situation can improve with time.  So, in the meantime, you can start preparing yourself to take steps in the right direction by saving up money, getting a job, or even asking family and friends for help if they can help you. 


Another reason why divorce may not be an option for some people in New York is because of their children. Many parents want to put the well-being of their children first and foremost and because of that they may not be prepared to get divorced. They realize that divorce can take a devastating toll on their children’s well-being.  And even though they may not get divorced on paper in reality they may be living separate lives and even sleeping in separate bedrooms.


Let's face it. Getting divorced is one of the scariest things in life. And the fear of starting over or not knowing what the future holds can basically make people freeze up. Many married couples in NYC stay in unhappy marriages longer because they're too scared to leap into the unknown.


How to Plan for a Future Divorce in New York


The first step is to understand what your legal rights are in New York, even if you're not in a position to get divorced in the next few months it helps to know what your rights are. It may be beneficial to consult a New York divorce mediator or divorce lawyer who can educate you on what your options are so that when the time comes you can make a more informed decision.


Seek the Support of Your Friends and Support Groups


Having a support system during this time can make the difference between getting through this time while maintaining a positive mindset versus taking a downward spiral towards depression.


Remember to prioritize Your Well-Being So That You Are in a Position to Take Care of Your Kids


This means that if you need to seek professional assistance from a therapist, be willing to be open to that. There are also things that you can do on your own such as yoga, meditation, or watching positive videos on YouTube, or even simple things like taking a walk one or two times a day.


Don’t Lose Hope for the Future


Even if divorce is not an option today just know that there is a way out if you start taking the little steps today. And if you're confused about how to get out of your marriage, contact Sabra Law Group to speak to a savvy New York divorce lawyer who can guide you on how to plan for divorce. Call Sabra Law Group at (646) 472-7971.

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