Tag Archives: Children
Can You Keep Your Ex-Spouse’s New Partner Away from Your Children?
Whether your divorce is finalized or not, it can be painful to hear that your former spouse has re-entered the dating pool. This may be especially troubling if you learn that your ex-spouse's new partner is frequently around your child … Continue reading
5 Reasons Why a Toxic Marriage is More Harmful to Your Children Than Divorce
Is it better for your children for you to stay in a toxic marriage instead of getting a divorce? Research suggests that it nearly always is the most sensible for unhappy parents to go their separate ways. Let's take a … Continue reading
Parenting Tips for Quarantined Parents During COVID-19 Pandemic
Being a parent is challenging at the best of times, and in recent weeks, parents and kids have been thrown together in unusual circumstances. Adults and children may be having difficulty coping, which means that parenting tips are even more … Continue reading