Changes Ahead: What to Expect When a Parent Plans to Relocate 

If your former spouse plans to relocate, it’s likely that you have questions related to how this will impact your existing parenting plan as well as any child support orders that are also associated with the case.  To begin with, the court will review a relocation request and determine whether it would influence the existing parenting plan set up in New York.  The most important question in relocation is whether one party’s move would significantly interfere with the rights of the other parent. 

The second stage in a relocation request in New Yorkhas to do with the best interests of the child.  This includes a review of factors like the parent’s reasoning for either seeking or opposing the relocation, the quality of relationships between the parents and the child(ren), the degree to which one parent’s and the child’s life would be influenced by better circumstances, and the feasibility of preserving a relationship between the child and both parents if the relocation did happen. 

Notifying the other parent about the intent to relocate is crucial because of the complicated procedures associated with how this affects a parenting plan.  Failing to follow guidelines can lead to sanctions.  Whether you are the party intending to move or the individual opposing the move, you need legal representation to ensure that your rights are protected in court. 

A relocation of one parent can also influence the child support that is ordered in your case because expenses can go up.  Since one parent attempting to relocate can have so many impacts on your current parenting plan and your child support order, it’s essential to get assistance from an experienced New York family law attorney so that you are always aware of next steps and your role.