Best Practices for a COVID Divorce in New York
There is never a good time for a divorce but trying to divorce in the middle of a worldwide pandemic can present a variety of other challenges to this already difficult procedure. Indeed, a "COVID Divorce," as it has become known, creates numerous special considerations. If you need to get a divorce during this tumultuous time period, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
First, courts are delayed. Thanks to the months where courts could not be in session, there is a huge backlog. If you actually need to appear before a judge, this may mean that your divorce will take longer than usual to finalize as the court’s calendars are quite long and backlogged. So getting time before a judge may take longer. This delay may put additional pressure on you to work out some sort of resolution through mediation and ensure that any legal work necessary can occur via teleconference, and not in an actual courtroom.
There is also no doubt that COVID will have an impact on the final arrangements of your divorce. It may alter child custody, moving dates, and more. Keep in mind that there will also be a variety of ancillary impacts in areas that you may not have thought about. For example, if you are selling your home, depending upon where it is located you may be able to sell it faster and at a higher price if people are fleeing other areas to your area where your house it. However, if you are in an area where people are fleeing from given the impact that COVID has had on the housing market, you may find yourself reducing the price to get it sold. Another consideration is where and whether you will be able to purchase a new home or find a place to rent at an affordable price. In New York, there are areas where prices are still quite competitive while there are areas that are already beginning to see a recovery in its real estate market and the prices are rebounding.
Additionally, keep in mind that COVID is believed to be an instigator for divorces, as people are forced to spend more time together in stressful situations. This will likely also add to the legal backlog facing many courtrooms and could further delay your ability to get divorced as quickly as possible. It also may mean that you have to look harder to find an attorney who is experienced and available to assist when you need it, as many of them are busier than ever. This, of course, can create real challenges for you.
If you need a divorce, you need to make sure you have an experienced New Your Divorce Attorney in the business working to protect you. The Sabra Law Group is experienced at handling divorce and divorce mediation – even if it’s a COVID divorce. Visit our website or call us today at 646-472-7971 for a confidential consultation.