4 Ways to Practice Self-Care During and After Divorce in New York

4 Ways to Practice Self-Care During and After Divorce in New YorkGoing through a divorce can be extremely painful and stressful; that is why it is important to practice self-care. Learn how to practice self-care during a divorce in New York with the 4 tips below.

Plan a Getaway

Sometimes it's important to get away to restore your sense of peace and regain your strength. Try to plan a quick weekend road trip or go to a retreat where you can practice meditation and yoga. It can also be beneficial to travel alone if you feel like you just need time alone to think and reflect. Traveling alone can bring peace and is usually less stressful than traveling with friends because you are free to do whatever you want.

Start by determining if your idea of a weekend getaway is doing something more relaxing or something more exciting.  Then based on that you can determine where you should go.  A quick trip or road trip can do wonders for your soul and help you reset. 

Don’t Keep Everything Bottled Up

Going through a divorce can be so emotional so if you feel like you need to talk to someone, get on the phone and call a friend and see if they can provide a listening ear.

Another outlet for not keeping everything bottled up is journaling.  Journaling provides an easy outlet too get your fears and frustrations out you will start to feel less weighed down. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help or Support

Don't let your pride get in the way of asking for help if you feel that you can benefit from counseling, consult a therapist or a divorce coach and then go ahead and make an appointment and at least try it out. Reach out to your friends and family for support and let them know that you may need their support from time to time. It is also important to find a babysitter or someone who can take care of the kids so you can get a break because sometimes you just need to be alone to unwind and de-stress during a time when it feels like your world is falling apart.

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

Leading a healthy lifestyle will help you feel better emotionally and physically. It is important to focus on eating a healthy diet, getting some exercise, and really taking care of your entire mind and body.

Try having a weekly routine where you either go to the gym, practice yoga or take an exercise class.  Even going for a daily walk can make such a big difference. It is also important to be cognizant of what type of diet you are eating. A healthy diet will give you more energy, whereas an unhealthy diet will make you feel exhausted and sluggish, and stressed out.

If you are considering divorce or need assistance with child custody and support, contact Sabra Law Group today for a confidential consultation at (646) 472-7971. 










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